I only have one HTML field with in my form that is still not showing up on the generic PDF (default-template.php) even after rebuilding my test site. There is only one active node set to the page ID for the form that I need to generate.
The gravity form HTML has the following code inserted with in the content box:
<img src=”https://MyTestsite.com/wp-images/HeaderLogo.jpg” />
Here are my warnings that appear while debugging:
: Missing argument 3 for GFPDFEntryDetail::do_lead_detail_grid(), called in
…/wp-content/uploads/PDF_EXTENDED_TEMPLATES/default-template.php on
line 79 and defined in
on line 53
on line 68
: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in
on line 68
Have any ideas with the information that I have provided for you?