• I’m runnnig 2.0 on a test site, and for the most part I’m impressed with what I’ve seen. The only thing I can’t figure out is image placement in the WSIWYG set-up. No matter what I do, images are always placed as thumbnails. Even when I click on the image in the browser and make sure it says “Using Original” in the image options.

    So I always have to resize. Not a big deal. I’m just wondering if that’s how it’s supposed to work, or if there’s something I’m missing or getting wrong.

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  • Thank-you honewatson. I must have tried image uploads and and checked thumbnail creation about three times and became disheartened. Because of my _user error_ I was only getting a dimension reduced thumbnail. Thanks for letting me know it *will* work if I do my part.

    OK…am I missing something?

    I’ve upgraded to 2.0 and there is no tab for uploading like there was before… where did that go and what exactly is being discussed here… cause i have pics loaded on my blog and they are the original size…

    sorry…just a lil confused here…

    Kahil… You’re right… there is no tab. See your post editing screen for the upload feature and see the preceding conversation on how to use it best. ??


    i still don’t get it…

    it doesn’t give you a image tag like before…
    you don’t have the option of which folder you want the image/file in…
    i don’t see an option for the whole original or thumbnail thing…

    from what i see, this new upload handling thing is inferior to the previous one… will this be fixed soon?

    There also isn’t an option anywhere to enable/disable the upload feature nor can you limit file type and size…

    tried messing around with this feature and I still can’t see what people are talking about in this thread nor can i find any of the features from the previous version that are missing…

    I’m confused… why did they take those options away? is there a way to get them back with any of the files from the previous version?

    thank you

    TerranceDC wrote:

    About the only other thing I’d like to see is a spellcheck for the wysiwyg, but I’m sure there’s a plugin somewhere (or soon will be) that’ll add that function.

    I was having problems installing a WP spellcheck plugin & Carthik recommended I use the Firefox Spellbound plugin instead. I highly recommend it if you’re using FF. It works great.

    Has there been an answer for this question yet? I would like to use the upload feature instead of iimage browser, but since there doesn’t seem to be any way to get the original dimensions, it’s not so useful. Am I doing something wrong?

    Actually, I’m with Kahil. I absolutly do not see any of thes e options on my wordpress 2.0 installation. I’ve looked every where. Is it an additional plugin you have to install? Very curious because it sounds like an option I could use very much.

    Edit: Guess I spoke too soon. You have to actually upload an image first and then the options will be there when you mouse over the image.

    A “Original Dimensions” option would be extremely useful.

    While I enjoy many other features, 2.0 feels very empty in the image control aspect, particularly when compared to previous versions where we could both specify directories and whether or not to use the original size.

    This issue has been resolved in a different thread

    Over on Trac, ryan has posted a fix for this issue. The original ticket #2199 along with thumb-splint.diff are located at https://trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/2199

    The revised inline-uploading.php is listed on Trac as part of changeset 3407: https://trac.www.ads-software.com/changeset/3407

    Thank you to everyone who helped in getting this issue resolved.

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