• lhk



    after intense reading for the last couple of hours and some testing, I now face the following problem:


    The blog will be run by a complete NOOB after I hand it over to him. HTML knowledge is minimal, PHP is none, CSS is none and he just wants to blog (not learn for months how to).

    Current situation:

    Posting in general will be no problem. However image upload and positioning will be. He can size an image correctly (e.g. I can tell him to size left/right pictures at 200 px width and center ones at 450 px and he will be able to do *that*. He is used to posting to a forum (like SMF or PHPBB), so this is roughly as easy as things should be for him.

    The current upload function (the new one for 2.0.x) is entirely nonintuitive (even I needed a while to discover just what is buggy where and how to circumvent this – NO way teaching a noob to do this!). Quite plainly, I’d rather he uploads manually, than use that one.

    So now I’m looking for options:

    – Is there a way to completely hide that upload function?

    – Is there a way to re-instate the former type of upload?

    – Is there a plugin (not the image-browser, as that one also has too many quirks) to do the trick?

    – Is there a way I could serve him with quicktags for the basic editor like “center image”, “left image” and “right image” which he could use to position images he uploaded?


    If I can’t do away with the current upload function, is there a way I can “kill” the thumbnailing function of it? I don’t exactly mean the problem of being unable to place the correct size in the editor. I want to do completely away with that automatic thumbnailing, so at least he could simply drag a picture into the editor and then position it with a quicktag.

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  • syncback – I’ll post a quicktag I have that I use for images to that page. It’ll be there in a couple of hours.



    for example, I can make a quicktag that inserts <img class=”picboxleft” /> but how do you get it to allow the user to choose an image?

    or, is this the wrong approach? Should I make a quick tag that applies the .picboxleft or .picboxright class? Does anyone know or have an example for that or a solution to the above?

    help and insight appreciated greatly!

    That now has an example of how to add code to align an image using a quicktag. You can change it around all you need to.

    syncbox – the above does not work if the new editor uis being used in wp2, neither does it deal with the image selection.

    I have installed WP for some people who just want it to work without fiddling. The only way I have got round this is by making all the quicktags they will need, and with images just writing them a checklist:
    Resize image to Xpx by Xpx in <insert users paint program)
    Click Browse
    Click Upload
    Click Image
    Click use original
    Click Send to editor.

    It seems very basic but it works for them.

    (I rattled that new quicktags bit out so a mistake might have crept in. If there is, post back and I’ll sort it ?)



    OK, I’ve done a bit more looking around in the quicktags js… and I’ve it figure out:

    1) use the current img button
    2) modify the default img location to point to the upload image (file) folder, using / path structure rather than absolute
    3) create two class quicktags, one for each class to float left and right
    4) I’ll have to inform the client(s) to upload the image via the interface, add the image via the img quicktag, copy and paste the image file name after the new default path, then insert the cursor after <img and add a space, then click the desired right or left quicktag.

    Not that hard, actually, but I thought I’d add it here in case the original poster hadn’t found a solution.

    The code I modified for the default path was

    function edInsertImage(myField) {
    var myValue = prompt('Enter the URL of the image', 'https://&#39;);
    if (myValue) {
    myValue = '<img src="'
    + myValue
    + '" alt="' + prompt('Enter a description of the image', '')
    + '" />';
    edInsertContent(myField, myValue);

    to modify the second line to add:

    function edInsertImage(myField) {
    var myValue = prompt('Enter the URL of the image', '/wp-content/sMBimages/');


    Thread Starter lhk


    Hi again,

    @podz: Yes, that’s how it’ll work. He’ll get a list of actions he will have to do so that he can upload and post pictures. With that plugin Kassad pointed out this is no problem. What’s really nice: you can turn off the standard WP upload, it’s invisible then.

    @moshu (sorry for the d) and syncbox: I just want a quicktag which – when he highlights the whole image insert code – will bracket this in a p align=center. Left and Right work as they should with the Imagemanager. It’s just centering a large image which won’t work (didn’t work with the WP wysiwyg editor either). I’ll look into the info.

    BTW, I agree this forum is not really for people not experienced in web apps.

    First off, the initial problem with my question here is typical for such forums. Too many people tend to tell you – off their head – that you’d better learn how to answer your own question, rather than that they answer it straight away.

    This is pretty presumptious and it’s worse for laypeople who never before even tried to find support. No one in real life, if you ask him e.g. “Where is the trainstation XY?” will answer “buy yourself a map” or “study geography”. Instead they’ll say “follow that street, turn left at the second cross road and heads on is the station”. This is the normal way to react. Not so on forums like this one (and don’t mistake me, most other support forums also have their generous share of “second-guessers”).

    While I’m netsavvy enough to be able to deal with something like this, a complete noob will be severely put off, probably for ever. Not nice.

    And another problem, which is special to this forum here, as I noticed, it’s not particularly well organized. Neither through search, nor through scanning threads does one easily find the info one hunts for. I dunno why this kind of forum was set up, rather than one more differentiated (e.g. SMF), maybe server load, whatever. But it isn’t really easy to navigate and find stuff.

    E.g. I think that an advice like the one Kassad posted, which answers an obviously much sought after question, should belong into a sticky, posted in a structured forum subsystem (e.g. graphics and images) for everyone to hit directly while looking for a solution to photo/image problems.



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