Hey Chatham,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. In response to your review, we do do our best to support these free plugins, but we have to give support priority to our paid ones (per our developer agreement with WooThemes), and lately the support load has been especially high. So again, my apologies for the delay, but that’s the reason behind it anyhow.
Now, the other issue is that it’s fairly difficult for us to provide support for 3rd party themes. You asked “where is that code coming from?” which line were you referring to? the width:540px one? As the inspector says, that rule is apparently included right in the body of the webpage, at line 170 as indicated. There’s actually not a whole lot of help that I can offer without actually inspecting your site frontend; can you provide a link to it and tell me exactly what result you’re looking for? I’d be happy to try and help you get this up and running, but I’ll need additional info to be of help, by playing around with your site directly.
Hope we can get this resolved for you
— Justin