• jzahlaway


    I’m digging the Upload feature on the admin Write Post page, but here’s the problem I’m having:

    I choose a file, I type a title, I click “Upload.”
    The file uploads fine, and a thumbnail is displayed under the “Browse” tab.
    I click on said thumbnail, and the list of options comes up, starting with “Using Thumbnail.” If I select “Send to editor” at this point, it inserts into the “Post” box the code for the [filename].thumbnail.jpg image, the “img” tag for which includes the “height” and “width” dimensions for a thumbnail-sized image.

    If I instead click on the thumbnail under the “Browse” tab, switch “Using Thumbnail” to “Using Original,” and then click “Send to editor,” it inserts into the “Post” box the code for the [filename].jpg image, but the “height” and “width” dimensions specified in the “img” tag are still thumbnail-sized. I’d like the “h” and “w” to be the actual size of the original image file


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  • moshu


    THat’s intentional: supposedly to protect users against themselves = not to let them to upload a 2000×1500 picture ?? which would blow the layout.

    You can click on the image in the posting area and drag its corners to get the right size.

    Thread Starter jzahlaway


    “THat’s intentional: supposedly to protect users against themselves = not to let them to upload a 2000×1500 picture ?? which would blow the layout.”

    I vote for making “Send code for original image to Post box” mean just that, and not “Send code for original image to Post box, but automatically constrain the original image to thumbnail size.” Just my .02¢.

    “You can click on the image in the posting area and drag its corners to get the right size.”

    Hmmm. I don’t know what you’re describing here, and I haven’t been able to figure it out by messing around in the tool. Can you explain further, please?

    Thread Starter jzahlaway



    Thread Starter jzahlaway


    Does anyone know what this means?:

    “You can click on the image in the posting area and drag its corners to get the right size.”

    I can’t figure out how to accomplish what’s being described.



    That’s true only if you are using the RTE (wysiwyg) editor. Sorry. If RTE is disabled, then you have to manually edit the width/height parameters.

    Thread Starter jzahlaway


    Oh, OK. Thanks.
    I do hope this changes in a future iteration of WordPress; seems very counterintuitive.

    OK. I tried this a few times. Like jzahlaway, I did not see any difference between the “use original” and the “use thumbnail” options.
    I tried dragging the corners. This worked. I COULD enlarge the picture but only until I hit the boarder of the window.
    So, I had to go back, enlarge the window first and then try to enlarge the picture.
    This works, until I hit the boarder of the enlarge edit window.
    Now, this window is much smaller than the amount of space I have reserved for photos in my layout.
    Also, all this resizing can either change the proportions of my photo or at least noticeably decrease its quality.
    After all, I did not spend a lot of time with my image editing software trying to make it look good at a certain size just to let it get re sized on the fly.

    The only way I found to insert the photos the way I want them is:
    – right click on the photo,
    – select “properties” copy the whole link
    – click on the “insert image button”
    – insert the url
    – manually delete the “.thumbnail” from it
    – post this image.
    This looks beautiful! Unfortunately, now the HTML does not contain the image dimensions, so the browser has to figure them out by itself, which can markedly delay the time until the post appears.

    All this to protect myself from posting a picture that may destroy the layout of my site?
    How can WordPress tell for which screen resolutions I want my site to work?
    Also, I usually look at my blog after posting – if there really is a problem, I can always delete the latest post.
    I think that someone who opts for using the “original size” usually knows what he/she is doing.
    I’d be really grateful for a fix that just lets me upload pictures and then lets me insert them into a post just like they are.


    Everything above your post is about a previoous WP version. Look at the date! For the latest version, WP 2.0.2 the whole discussion is irrelevant.
    What’s your version?

    2.0.2 – the latest as far as I know.
    this is a completely new site using a fresh install of WP.


    Yea – what’s this protect ourselfs from ourselfs crap? I mean thanks for WP – I love it – and I would be happy to pay for it as well – but don’t act like we are all 3 year olds who need “watching over”…like who the hell are U guys!!!!

    If we want to upload a big-ass picture then so be it – it’s my frickin’ blog!!! And get this, if some one sets up their own blog and manages it, don’t y’all think we can figure out what stupid picture we want to upload?

    Thanks for wasting a 1/2 hour of my time WP codex folks!!!

    I agree — my org is now running 2.0.2 — we take the time to size our photos correctly before uploading, and I’ve wasted a good hour or so figuring out what the problem is. However, this shouldn’t be a problem! If I say ‘Use Original’, then I want it to Use Original.

    Is there any way to have this work the way we’re asking? The Upload feature itself is a big improvement over using FTP, but this ‘feature’ is a major drag.


    The best way to solve this is to go to the html code and put in the exact image size there.

    You can see the html code in the post section if you click on it.

    Hey jzahlaway & others,

    This is so simple, don’t have to follow such hard steps, I shall guide you with two basic steps.

    Method 1: Perfect Image Placement

    1) Upload picture using the inline option, enter title and description.

    2) Click on uploaded picture and you would get options such as

    * Using Thumbnail
    * Linked to Image
    * Send to Editor
    * Delete
    * Close Options

    See this screenshot >https://img252.imageshack.us/img252/152/th13dw.png

    3) So basically all you have to do is, click on the option “Using Thumbnail” which would change to “Using Original”. This makes sure the original size of the image appears in the post (in what ever resolution and size you had uploaded)

    4) Next click on “Linked to Image” (twice),which would change to “Not Linked”, this is what you need when you insert a image in its full size and not thumnail.

    Check this screenshot> https://img157.imageshack.us/img157/8001/th25tc.png

    Once you had done those both, click on “Send to Editor”

    This is the simple and the best way to acquire the exact image as uploaded in wordpress (make sure the image is not very big and as explained by others, you can resize he image – works on FF and IE only).

    Method 2: Manual Editing

    1) Upload picture using the inline option, enter title and description.

    2) Click on uploaded picture and you would get options such as

    * Using Thumbnail
    * Linked to Image
    * Send to Editor
    * Delete
    * Close Options

    See this screenshot >https://img252.imageshack.us/img252/152/th13dw.png

    3) Click on “Send to Editor”, chage other atributes from the window (source code region), in opera you can see the url in the post window, so its much easier to edit, else you have to select the image and view source code to edit.

    Again you need some basic knowledge in HTML and if you mess with any tags there, I am sure the post gonna look ugly. So make sure you follow Method 1, which is the best one.

    If you have more doubts about using these, throw you questions here.

    – Dreamchaser

    Dreamchaser — I really do appreciate all the time you took to make the post.

    But, this still doesn’t solve the problem. Because once I send the image to the editor, it is still in Thumbnail size. That’s the problem. I know that I can resize it, or change options in HTML, but that allows for image distortion, and I really want to have it at 450px wide and used my image editor to make that happen.

    I’d just like to be able to include the image size that I upload, and I can’t seem to do that.

    Very frustrating…



    Did you try my method 1? It should really work, I am using IE and FF, both help me come up with the result perfect.

    Whats your Blog URL ? I wil have a look around, have you enable WYSIWYG editor in Profile page of your username or admin ?

    – Dreamchaser

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