• Hello,

    thanks for this awesome plugin. I have just switched to nextcellent from nextgen because nextcellent is about 50% faster in loading times.

    But I have some issues with image uploading.
    1. When I use “basic uploader” only first 20 images from selected range were uploaded to server.
    2. When I want to use advanced uploader – it doesn’t work at all. I am not able to select images because “select files” button doesn’t open any window (nothing happens).

    Is there some settings that needs to be set?
    Thank you for any advice,


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  • Hi Jan,

    Please try it again after you’ve disabled all other plugins. This issue is often caused by other plugins conflicting with NextCellent.

    If it still doesn’t work, please provide us with the following information:

    1. WordPress and PHP version
    2. Browser information (what browser, version, …)
    Thread Starter Jan


    Well, I have tried it and nothing changed. The problem is same as described above.

    I have tried safari 8.0.3 and chrome 40.0.2214.115 (64-bit).
    Wordpress version 4.1.1

    Server info:
    Operating System: Linux (64-bit)
    Server: Apache
    Memory Usage: 8.55 megabytes
    MySQL Version: 5 June 17
    PHP version: April 5, 37
    PHP allows URL fopen: Enabled
    PHP Memory Limit: 128
    PHP Max Upload Size: 32M
    PHP Max Post Size: 32M
    PCRE Backtracking Limit: 500000
    PHP Script Execute Max Time: 90s
    PHP Exif support: Yes (V1.4)
    PHP support IPTC: Yes
    PHP XML Support: Yes

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