• Resolved chelle-mom


    I am having troubles with the Image Uploading and WP2.0
    When I attempt to upload a pic I get this:

    Unable to create directory /home/httpd/vhosts/soodz.com/httpdocs/blog/wp-content/uploads/2005/12. Is /home/httpd/vhosts/soodz.com/httpdocs/blog/wp-content/uploads/2005 writable?
    Back to Image Uploading

    I have no idea what the 2005 part is but my uploads folder on my server is 777 writable and all that jazz.

    Help!?”!?! I love that feature of 2.0

    thanks everyone!

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  • Thread Starter chelle-mom


    Did I post this in the wrong area? Or are people uber busy?

    I am still having this issue and since I am inexperienced I do nto know what else to try.

    I think it’s probably the time of year…. I can’t help you with this issue: I seldom use graphics, and if I did I wouldn’t use the upload thing anyway….

    Thread Starter chelle-mom


    Totally a bad time of year…thanks for the reply. I guess I will post my images the old fashioon way for now ??

    I’m having the same problem. My permissions on the directory are wide open, but it’s still not accepting uploads.

    I had the same problem I believe. to over come it you ensure the “uploads” dir is writable… then wp will create the “205” dir and it will need to be made writeable… finally (you guessed it) a “12” dir will be made and it needs to be writeable… or do it all yourself creating the dir’s and making them writeable yourself before the errors… now the key thing to remember is tomorrow will be 2006… and guess what?

    Thread Starter chelle-mom


    Thanks Tutor!
    I will give that a try and post back if it works (or not)
    Really apprecaite the reply!

    I am having the same problem I think – but only in pages. Not in the main blog body. Cannot for the life of me figure it out.

    Thread Starter chelle-mom


    Tutor YOU ROCK!!! It’s fixed I can use the most valuable part of WP2.0!!! (Well most valuable to me…I post a pic a day!!!!)

    I am so excited!!

    Thank you
    Thank you!

    For those who don’t want to change the permissions monthly here is a work-around suggestion: Open the file “functions-post.php” in the folder “wp-includes” go to line 847 in function wp_upload_dir() and change the following code fragment

    // Give the new dirs the same perms as wp-content.
    $stat = stat(ABSPATH . ‘wp-content’);


    // Give the new dirs the same perms as wp-content/uploads.
    $stat = stat(ABSPATH . ‘wp-content/uploads’);

    Now the new folders get the same permissions as the upload folder which you chmod to 750 beforehand. You will never have to chmod the folders and files anymore and it is more secure than changing the permissions of the wp-content folder itself. However, consider that all your “uploads” subfolders and files are readable by “group”.


    I don’t want to use this new upload system, but I no longer have any upload options in Miscellaneous Options — have the upload options been removed from WordPress 2?

    Core hacks? Hardcoded file directories? What happened???


    I tried what you suggested but it didn’t work. I am also unable to remove the uploads folder nor change permissions on it. Any suggestions?

    ok – i was able to delete the folder using terminal but this is the error I’m receiving:

    Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 810 is not allowed to access /home/mirele58/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2006/01 owned by uid 99 in /home/mirele58/public_html/wp-admin/admin-functions.php on line 1757
    The uploaded file could not be moved to .

    Any Ideas?

    The iimage plugin perhaps? Works like a charm.

    delano, your php probably runs as Apache module. Unfortunately, in this case, you have to set permissions of the “uploads” folder to 777 instead of 750.



    I’m having upload problems. I’ve changed the right on:
    wp-content, uploads to 777. When I upload a file is created inside the uploads folder. Inside this folder is the year 2006, then the month 11 (name of folder) was created, however I get the message: The uploaded file could not be moved to .

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