• Resolved incredipete


    Alright, I’ve seen the threads on this topic, and they just don’t seem to get to the issue.

    When I upload an image, I want to show the image full size. I’m not an idiot, I don’t need wordpress to do thumbnails, resize my images, or in any other way modify them. I just want to insert the code to show the the image at it’s actual size.

    We need a fix that will allow insertion of the img src code without adjusting the height or width attributes.

    Someone make it go away!

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  • OK, this plugin really works, finally the uploads work again, thanks!

    Kaf and all:
    This *is* a frustrating problem in WP 2.0, which I hope will be fixed in a fix up version in the near future.
    Who ever crafted the upload and include in post engine, did a great job, but a too fancy solution.
    o It is unintuitive and error prone. It is very difficult to understand how to include the full size image and have it presented full size.

    Other things to wish for:
    o It would be much better to have radio button for the options, that are now overlayed on the thumbnail in the upload form.

    o The upload itself creates new folders for every date.

    The rational for this is easy to understand ( the image is itself a kind of post, that may have its own comments, and you get automatic structure and upload history ), but many bloggers want control over where to upload images.

    o The upload folders are created by the the web server user, and at least on some server hosts this means the user can not change or delete or even open the folders.
    The owner of upload folders at my web hotel is “nobody”, an alias for the web server ( or PHP engine ), and I cannot even open the folders.

    I love WP 2.0 and will continue using it and learning how to fine tune it.

    hello, i’m a amatuer at this, and this thread has made things so much easier for me. thank you.

    i have succeed into showing images at their original size. i want to confirm if what i did (after interpreting what was written above) was correct, and if i did anything extraneous.

    other less technologically inclined participants could also read the following steps and the comments that follow for a detailed description on HOW.

    for those more technologically inclined, do comment on the following steps to allow images to be shown at their original size. i know it’s not the best way, and your comments would help a burgeoning strata of wordpress users like me : )

    here goes:

    1) find inline-uploading.php at htdocs/wp-admin/inline-uploading.php
    2) open it in notepad and replace the content with what preset has provided on this page: https://proforma.preset.de/wordpress/inline-upload/rdg_inline-uploading.php.txt
    3) now, upload the image as you would your wordpress admin panel. after uploading, drag the pic into the textbox where you usually write your posts. the image will be resized.
    4) next, click on the HTML icon to edit the html code. a new window will open up.
    5) in the code, change three things: a) change image.thumbnail.jpg to image.jpg; b) change the height=”xyz” to the original height; c) change the width=”zyx” to the original width.

    that’s it. comments pls.

    if you want to drag’n’drop the images to the editor, my solution isn’t the right one for you.
    I changed the original source *not* to change the thumbnail to be draged to the editor in the right size.

    In a previous stage of hacking the file the thumbnail changed its dimensions when choosing ‘use thumbnail’/’use original’.

    I think the original version of inline-uploading.php is a mixture of ‘use the pop-up menu’ and ‘drap’n’drop’ the image.



    First I have to admit that my english is verry bad
    Soo, I hope you can understand what I try to say.

    I have downloaded filosofo-old-style-upload.php

    where do I have to place it afther unpacking ??

    Sorry, Iàm blondttt i gess (gniffff)

    oke, I just find out !

    It works great !!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone,

    After I had updated my blog to WordPress v2.01, I encountered the same problem as anyone here: i.e. as I wanted to upload the original image (original size) in the editor, WordPress automatically switched it to the thumbnail size (128×96 px). Such a disobedience!

    Based on the posts in this support forum, I found out that you can manually adapt this “disobedience” by using the HTML-editor (icon: HTML). If you selected the original image in thumbnail format and then clicked the HTML-icon, a pop-up appeared with the source code. You only had to delete the heigth-tag, and the thumbnail immediately changed in the original sized image.

    Now, this process is quite embarrasing. It would be much better if the upload image browser did this automatically. And after some experimenting, I finally discovered the solution!

    1. Make a back-up of “inline-uploading.php” (you’ll find this in the wp-admin/ folder)

    2. Then, download the “inline-uploading.php”-file and open it with a text editor, such as Notepad.

    3. Use ‘find’ and search on “<img id=\” => you will find this tag for three times in the whole document.
    Now at the end of the line that begins with “<img id=\” you’ll find “$height_width”. DELETE this (also 3 times).

    240 imga[{$ID}] = ‘<img id=\”image{$ID}\” src=\”$src\” alt=\”{$title}\” $height_width />’;
    241 imgb[{$ID}] = ‘<img id=\”image{$ID}\” src=\”{$image[‘guid’]}\” alt=\”{$title}\” $height_width />’;
    242 “;
    243 $html .= “<div id=’target{$ID}’ class=’attwrap left’>
    244 <div id=’div{$ID}’ class=’imagewrap’ onclick=\”doPopup({$ID});\”>
    245 <img id=\”image{$ID}\” src=\”$src\” alt=\”{$title}\” $height_width />

    4. Save the “inline-uploading.php”-file and upload it to the wp-admin/ folder.

    5. You’re done! When you choose to upload an image in its original size, WordPress will obey you and it will execute your command in the right way.



    o.k. this is what i have discover thus far, the upload “USING THUMBNAIL” and “USING ORIGINAL” option DOES NOT WORK IN INTERNET EXPLORER. I actually have to freaking load FIREFOX onto every customers computer just so they can use the image feature on the sites.

    This is jacked up, I love wordpress but wish they would have tested it on various IE version before finishing it, one of my clients has a computer only 3 months only and can’t upload with thier new ie, I’m tired of telling clients to “Browser Hop” to use thier websites. Everything works good except that one thing, which is more then I can say for mambo, 4 images, movable type, and all the other stuff I have used, now if only someone could create a Template with a horizontal nav-bar that works on multiple browsers (i’m tired of my menues dropping to the bottom right side of the page.)

    I thought I’d read somewhere that the original image dimensions were fixed in the 2.0.1 update. Just installed it and it appears it isn’t. Of course, I’ve only tested it in Mac Safari and Firefox. When inserting image code from the inline-uploading frame, I get decent code, excluding height/width attributes (which I’d previously hacked out of the 2.0 version). I guess I read wrong and the quirk is still there?

    I am experiencing similar problems with WP 2.02:

    if chosing “send to editor” in Firefox, the image (original size) is inserted. this is the way I want it to be.

    if doing the same from IE, the *thumbnail* of the image is inserted. why oh why?

    I do not have the option “using original / using thumbnail” mentioned above at all.

    any ideas how to have this work the same way for all browsers?

    This is what I found when exploring why the “Send to editor” option does not work in IE:

    In IE, for some reason the width and height tags’ values do not have quotation marks around them. In not-IE browsers, the image tag looks like

    <img width="79" height="128"...>

    but in IE it looks like:

    <img width=79 height=128

    There is a function named sendToEditor in wp-admin/inline-uploading.php. This funcion tries to modify the img tag before sending it to the editor, but the regexp that removes the width and height attributes looks for quotation marks around the values. This is the code that worked for me:

    h = h.replace(new RegExp(' (width|height)="?\d*"?', 'g'), ''); // Drop size constraints

    I’d say this would be a little better:

    h = h.replace(new RegExp(‘ (width|height)=([0-9])+”?\d*”?’, ‘g’), ”); // Drop size constraints

    h = h.replace(new RegExp(‘ (width|height)=”?\d*”?’, ‘g’), ”); // Drop size constraints
    would leave the width,height attributes values floating around..
    e.g. <img id=’image23’89 alt=’….

    I’m using WP 2.04 right now.

    I also find these Regular Expressions are not working properly at all in IE.

    First of all, the following line has some problems:

    h = h.replace(new RegExp(' (class|title|width|height|id|onclick|onmousedown)=([^\'"][^ ]+)( |/|>)', 'g'), ' $1="$2"$3'); // Enclose attribs in quotes

    For one thing, the second group is set to continue until it reaches a space. But this does not cover the case where the attribute is right at the end of the tag, in which case the attribute should end with a >.

    Also this RegExp doesn’t deal with the attributes ‘alt’ and ‘rel’. These are easy to add.

    So this line becomes:

    h = h.replace(new RegExp(' (class|title|width|height|id|onclick|onmousedown|alt|rel)=([^\'"][^ >]+)( |/|>)', 'g'), ' $1="$2"$3'); // Enclose attribs in quotes

    This works better, but strangely it is still not catching all attributes in IE. In particular id=p123 does not get changed into id=”p123″. Can someone tell me why? So I simply added an extra RegExp to deal with this:

    h = h.replace(new RegExp('id=(p[0-9]+)', 'g'), 'id="$1"');

    Incidentally if you are fiddling around with this code, trying to get the RegExp to work, it’s useful to put in some lines like this above and below the expression you’re trying to debug:

    alert('h is ' + h);

    and that will help you see what is going on.

    Here’s the regular expressions that work for me:

    To enclose all attributes in quotes:
    h = h.replace(new RegExp(‘=([^\'”][^ >]+)’, ‘gi’), ‘=”$1″‘);

    To remove height/width attributes:
    h = h.replace(new RegExp(‘ (width|height)=”([0-9])+”‘, ‘gi’), ”);

    I click on “Send to Editor” and nothing happens… What gives?

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