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  • To help searches:

    # Name: Image2Post
    # Version: 1.1
    # Description: Posts an image into the posts that you choose using custom fields, and optionally it can add a link as well under the image.

    Any chance of a demo fella? You upload an image and this sticks it in the post then?

    It basically adds this code into the post but when you want to edit the post thinks are much more cleaner.
    <div class='leftbox'><img src='path to image in your wp-images folder' /></div>

    You can see a demo at my site, because thats what I use to show images into posts.

    I have a lot of space between my post title and post entrybody. I know that Image2Post will insert the image inside the post entry body, so it will wrap the post text.

    But I would like to have it insert the image at the post title level. Does anyone know what I have to modify in order to do that?

    b.t.w – Just in case any one is interested, I wanted to make the image a link to the post so I changed line 130 of the plugin to say:

    $output .= '<div class="leftbox"><img src="' . get_settings('siteurl') . $img_icon_dir . $img_left . '" alt="' . $img_left . '" title="' . $img_left . '" />' . $imglink_dir_left . '</div>';

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