• Resolved kickass


    I’ve driven myself totally bonkers trying to get ImageManager Plugin to work on HostGator. The plugin creates the directories but won’t show them. It uploads the images but won’t show them in the admin interface. And worst of all, it won’t show them at all in the posts.

    Something else odd. If you’ve uploaded an image using imagemanager within your wordpress installation and try to access the image directly in your browser, you get a 404. If it’s outside of wordpress there’s no problem.


    This is a photograph uploaded in a different installation on a different host, and there’s no problem.

    Both hosts are running mod_security.

    Does anyone have any ideas? I’ve posted this on soderlind.no forum but nobody’s home.

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  • Thread Starter kickass


    Problem solved. The instructions for setting up ImageManager that show on the WordPress options/ImageManager page are in error. the .htaccess file you put in the uploads directory should contain the following:

    <Files ^(*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.png|*.gif)>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all

    The instructions have a space instead of a comma between deny and allow.

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