ImageOptimization: Failed to fetch
I am using LiteSpeedCache the first time. Version v3.0.8.5 and since yesterday
From Request to Pull it seems to be really slow. But maybe thats normal?
I could optimized a few images(11), but now I get the following error in wordpress:
Images failed to fetchAnd on I see something like that:
Error: Fetched md5 mismatch: [latest] d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e [ori] d26bb563a3fa5e186385b66d02cdd24f https://....jpg 04.05.2020, 13:58
If I clean up unfinished data und restart request. Then sometimes some optimizations work and then the same error again.
The status in wordpress and do not match.
WP says 94 images requested and RequestsStatus show only 0?
wordpress-image-optIts unpossible to optimize all images this way…. and if I clean up unfinished, then the counter
Can someone help with this problem?
Last Request: 44m 50s ago and nothing seems to happen
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