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  • Also wondering if images in RSS enclosures are supported.

    Plugin Author Travis


    Hello, Thank you for your feedback. New version 1.0.2 now supports images. Excerpts do not supports images however, as it pulls in a set number of words.

    Let me know if you have any issues or requests for anything else.


    Thread Starter charbonnier


    Hi Travis, nice work !
    Now I have a problem with a feed take from my another wordpress blog. you can see result on this page

    Images are in margin left negative and i can’t cut words
    the code is

    [wp_rss_retriever url=”” items=”5″]

    I try with excerpt but nothing changes

    [wp_rss_retriever url=”” items=”5″ excerpt=”200″]

    Plugin Author Travis


    The problem exists on line 489 in your CSS:

    .full-width .site-content img.size-full.alignleft,
    .full-width .site-content img.size-large.alignleft,
    .full-width .site-content img.size-medium.alignleft,
    .full-width .site-content .wp-caption.alignleft{margin-left:-168px}

    As you can see it works fine on mine:

    Thread Starter charbonnier


    thank you i try to fix my css, and for the words excerpt have you understand something ?

    Plugin Author Travis


    I copied your shortcode over with the excerpt and it seems to working fine:

    Thread Starter charbonnier


    Yes you’re right, I was wrong with a bold tag ??

    Thank you !

    Plugin Author Travis



    I apologize for the extreme delay.

    I have just released version 1.1.1 which gives you ability to display the thumbnail. Simply set thumbnail=”true” in the shortcode attributes. Additionally you can set thumbnail=”200″ or any size you want to resize the thumbnail.

    For example:
    [wp_rss_retriever url="" items="10" thumbnail="200"]

    The plugin will search for a thumbnail within the RSS, if it does not exist it will try to find the first image within the content.

    Thank you for your feedback!
    – Travis


    Thanks for your new version. how ever I have some problem with images, when its pulling image,its not proportion like the original site:

    original site image:

    How it shows on my site:

    Also all the images from the rss showing huge on mobile devices and they are not getting resized, would you please let me know how to resize them for mobile devices.


    Plugin Author Travis


    Hi danny80,

    by default the plugin only supports thumbnails, which crops the image into a square. But you can add some CSS to your themes style.css file to overwrite the plugins CSS. Here’s some sample CSS that should help you in the right direction:

    .wp_rss_retriever .wp_rss_retriever_image img {
      position: relative;
      left: auto;
      top: auto;
      height: auto;
      max-width: 100%;
      max-height: none;
      width: auto;
      -webkit-transform: none;
          -ms-transform: none;
              transform: none;
    .wp_rss_retriever .wp_rss_retriever_image {
    	position: relative;
    	float: left;
    	margin-right: 1em;
    	margin-bottom: 1em;
    	width: auto;
    	height: auto;
    	overflow: hidden;

    If I get enough requests I may add a “full” parameter to the thumbnail option.


    Thanks for the reply. It shows the images but leave a big white gap under the image. would you please let me know how to fix this.


    Plugin Author Travis


    Hi danny80,

    Can you send me a link to your page?

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