• When I broadcast a post to a site, the image links are broken. The images themselves (from the IMG tag) still work because they aren’t being updated to point to the newly added images on the target site, they are still pointing to the source site. Not sure if this is intentional or not ( I assume not, in which case that’s a problem too ). However, the bigger problem is the HREF links to those images (when the images are chosen to “link to media file” in WP) are modified in an attempt (I assume) to point to the target site’s media file. However, the link is wrong.

    For one example, the link is being translated to–
    but it should be
    … note the extra “/junior” being added in there.

    where “https://www.abington.k12.pa.us” is the main site / source and “https://www.abington.k12.pa.us/junior” is the sub site / target.

    When I did a debug I see this:

    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: 3 attachments to remove.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Deleting existing attachment: 1666
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Deleting existing attachment: 1667
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Deleting existing attachment: 1665
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Looking through 3 attachments.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: The attachment's post parent is 5399.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Assigning new post parent ID (1611) to attachment 5410.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Maybe copy attachment: Searching for attachment posts with the name broadwaylogo.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Maybe copy attachment: Found 0 attachment posts.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Maybe copy attachment: Really copying attachment.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Copy attachment: File "D:\inetpub\admin/media/posts/2016/02/broadwaylogo.jpg" is on local file-system
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Copy attachment: Copying from D:\inetpub\admin/media/posts/2016/02/broadwaylogo.jpg to D:\inetpub\admin/media/sites/junior/2016/02/broadwaylogo.jpg
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Copy attachment: File sizes: D:\inetpub\admin/media/posts/2016/02/broadwaylogo.jpg 169236 ; D:\inetpub\admin/media/sites/junior/2016/02/broadwaylogo.jpg 169236
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Copy attachment: Checking filetype.
    2016-02-18 14:56:19 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Copy attachment: Inserting attachment:
    array (
      'guid' => 'https://www.abington.k12.pa.us/junior/junior/media/sites/junior/2016/02/broadwaylogo.jpg',
      'menu_order' => 0,
      'post_author' => '3',
      'post_excerpt' => '',
      'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg',
      'post_name' => 'broadwaylogo',
      'post_title' => 'broadwaylogo',
      'post_content' => '',
      'post_status' => 'inherit',

    The ‘guid’ there is incorrect, and I assume that is what is being used in the link.


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  • Plugin Author edward_plainview


    I’ll see if I can duplicate this on my end with a subdirectory install when I’m back from my business trip on Monday.

    I have several users with subdirectory installs but none of them have complained – perhaps they haven’t been using images in their posts…

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Just tested it out myself. Installed a fresh subdirectory install, installed broadcasted, created a post and inserted an image.

    Broadcasted the image and looked at the ID.

    It was correctly set at https://example.com/blog2/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/02/dartz_kombat_t98.jpg

    The blog in question being #3 after the root and blog1.

    Do your blogs have an upload path or upload url path set in the network settings for the blog?

    Thread Starter Matt


    Yes, I have define( 'UPLOADS', 'media' ); in my wp-config and then I am using the ‘upload_dir’ filter as follows. Basically I am replacing the site ID with the site path and then adding in ‘posts’. Lastly just replacing the post date with todays date. I removed some stuff I do with pages and really I think the only thing relevant is what’s in the if (is_multisite()) { block but left the rest in anyway.

    function custom_upload_dir( $param ) {
    	$blog_id = 1;
    	if (is_multisite()) {
    		$blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
    		if ($blog_id > 1 && substr(strrev($param['basedir']), 0, strlen('/sites/'.$blog_id)) == strrev("/sites/$blog_id")) {
    			$network_path = network_home_url( '', 'relative' );
    			$site_path = home_url( '', 'relative' );
    			$site_path = str_ireplace($network_path, '', $site_path);
    			$param['path'] = str_replace("/sites/$blog_id", "/sites/".$site_path, $param['path']);
    			$param['basedir'] = str_replace("/sites/$blog_id", "/sites/".$site_path, $param['basedir']);
    			$param['url'] = str_replace("/sites/$blog_id", "/sites/".$site_path, $param['url']);
    			$param['baseurl'] = str_replace("/sites/$blog_id", "/sites/".$site_path, $param['baseurl']);
    	if ( isset( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) ) {
    		$post_id = absint( $_REQUEST['post_id'] );
    		$post = get_post($post_id);
    	if (!empty($post)) { $post_type = get_post_type($post); }
    	if (!empty($post_id) && !empty($post)) {
    		$breadcrumbs = array();
    		if ($post_type == 'page') {
    			//edited out as not applicable
    		} elseif ($post_type == 'post') {
    			$breadcrumbs[] = 'posts';
    		if (!empty($breadcrumbs)) {
    			$breadcrumbs = array_reverse($breadcrumbs);
    			$path_to_insert = implode("/", $breadcrumbs);
    			$new_path = $param['basedir'] . '\\' . $path_to_insert . substr($param['path'], strlen($param['basedir']));
    			$new_url = $param['baseurl'] . '/' . $path_to_insert . substr($param['url'], strlen($param['baseurl']));
    			$param['path'] = $new_path;
    			$param['url'] = $new_url;
    		$y = ''; $m = ''; $d = '';
    		$time = get_the_time('Y-m-d', $post);
    		if (strlen($time) == 10) {
    			$y = substr( $time, 0, 4 );
    			$m = substr( $time, 5, 2 );
    			$d = substr( $time, 8, 2 );
    		//replace post date with today's date
    		if (strlen($y.$m.$d) == 8 && substr(strrev($param['path']), 0, 7) == strrev($y.'/'.$m)) {
    			$add_to_dir = date("Y")."/".date("m");
    			$param['path'] = substr($param['path'], 0, strlen($param['path'])-7).$add_to_dir;
    			$param['url'] = substr($param['url'], 0, strlen($param['url'])-7).$add_to_dir;
        return $param;
    add_filter('upload_dir', 'custom_upload_dir');
    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    So you’re also overloading the upload_dir filter? No wonder it works for me and not for you.

    I’d suggest looking up src/traits/broadcasting.php, lines 259-262, and then the broadcasting_upload_dir function in the same file.

    See if you can find any conflicts there.

    Thread Starter Matt


    Just got done checking it out. I see you have the note at line 259, ‘wp_upload_dir is incorrect on child sites, so we override it during broadcasting. … I’m not sure why that is and my research is mixed on confirming it. Some say broken but one ticket said it was fixed. However, when I was trying to debug wp_upload_dir within the broadcasting_upload_dir function I kept getting a server error. Possibly the function isn’t ready yet? Not sure there.

    However, as for the actual double site path issue, what I found was within broadcasting_upload_dir where you are substituting the path the path was already correct at this point (at least in my case). So for testing I did this:

    public function broadcasting_upload_dir( $upload_dir )
    	if ( ! isset( $this->__siteurl ) )
    		return $upload_dir;
    	error_log(var_export($this->__siteurl, true));
    	$current_url = get_option( 'siteurl' );
    	error_log(var_export($current_url, true));
    	error_log('original $upload_dir--');
    	error_log(var_export($upload_dir, true));
    	foreach( [ 'url', 'baseurl' ] as $key ) {
    		if (substr(strtolower($upload_dir[ $key ]), 0, strlen($current_url)) != strtolower($current_url)) {
    			$upload_dir[ $key ] = str_replace( $this->__siteurl, $current_url, $upload_dir[ $key ] );
    	error_log('altered $upload_dir--');
    	error_log(var_export($upload_dir, true));
    	return $upload_dir;

    And the output was:

    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] $this->__siteurl
    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] 'https://www.abington.k12.pa.us'
    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] $current_url--
    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] 'https://www.abington.k12.pa.us/junior'
    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] original $upload_dir--
    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] array (
      'path' => 'D:\\inetpub\\admin/media/sites/junior/2016/02',
      'url' => 'https://www.abington.k12.pa.us/junior/media/sites/junior/2016/02',
      'subdir' => '/2016/02',
      'basedir' => 'D:\\inetpub\\admin/media/sites/junior',
      'baseurl' => 'https://www.abington.k12.pa.us/junior/media/sites/junior',
      'error' => false,
    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] altered $upload_dir--
    [23-Feb-2016 13:52:10 UTC] array (
      'path' => 'D:\\inetpub\\admin/media/sites/junior/2016/02',
      'url' => 'https://www.abington.k12.pa.us/junior/junior/media/sites/junior/2016/02',
      'subdir' => '/2016/02',
      'basedir' => 'D:\\inetpub\\admin/media/sites/junior',
      'baseurl' => 'https://www.abington.k12.pa.us/junior/junior/media/sites/junior',
      'error' => false,

    So the path was already correct and then the str_replace adds a second site path in.

    So I wrapped the str_replace as follows and it fixes it:

    foreach( [ 'url', 'baseurl' ] as $key ) {
    	if (substr(strtolower($upload_dir[ $key ]), 0, strlen($current_url)) != strtolower($current_url)) {
    		$upload_dir[ $key ] = str_replace( $this->__siteurl, $current_url, $upload_dir[ $key ] );

    Not sure if the strtolower’s are necessary but I did it out of caution.

    p.s. The image itself on the target site is not being altered. I assume (without further testing) that you are not re-pointing images inserted with a different image sizes? For example, on this particular post there is an image inserted at the “medium” size. So it’s broadwaylogo-300×154.jpg. On the target site it’s left unchanged, still being “SRCed” to the root site. The target for the link itself is now properly updated to point to the target site with the correct path (after the above change).

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    I’ve tested your substr fix… I don’t think the strtolower is necessary either, since the values are all fetched from WordPress in one way or other.

    If you look lines 501-512 of src/traits\broadcasting you’ll see what it is I’m replacing.

    If you’ve tested this on both a subdir and a subdomain install and you’re happy with the results, I can incorporate the change into the next version.

    Thread Starter Matt


    Sorry, saw this when you replied and then forgot about it. I have not tested it on a subdomain install but I don’t see how that would be any different. Still matching the whole beginning part of the site url. I have done two more posts on my own site since the modification and it’s working.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Ok. If you could remove the substr part and do a check on a subdomain that would help me, since I don’t trust JUST my own dev machine for relatively major changes like this.

    After that I’ll put the change in the master branch.

    Thread Starter Matt


    I don’t have the resources to test a subdomain install at the moment.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Anyone else want to help? E-mail me.



    same issue over here ??



    I don’t have a subdomain install either.

    Thread Starter Matt


    Did you install the latest update? Pretty sure I saw the fix in the release notes.

    Edit: and is this a new problem or first time using it?



    Seems like a new problem.. Have not happened before.

    At first I thought that could be something with the new version of Yoast… since it was messing URI’s as well.

    PS: I just saw that you guys got a new version. Let me test that one and I will post the result back here.

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