Thanks for your question. You can use a Content Template to make changes like this to your ALT Text and Title fields.
You wrote “bulk edit images“. You can use the Media/Assistant Bulk Edit area to make changes to one or more items. To edit the ALT Text field, for example:
- Navigate to the Media/Assistant admin screen.
- Click the “Screen Options” link in the upper right corner of the screen, then make sure the box to the left of “ALT Text” is checked. Click “Screen Options” again to close it.
- Check the box to the left of the thumbnail image for one or more of your images.
- Select “Edit” in the “Bulk Actions” dropdown, then click “Apply”.
- Find the ALT Text text box in the right-hand column and enter “template:(hello [+parent_title+])” – without the quotes.
- Click “Update” to run the bulk edit process.
- When the process completes, click “Refresh” to see the results.
This process will overwrite any previous ALT Text value(s) for items attached to a parent, so use it with care. The parentheses around the content will leave the ALT Text unchanged for any unattached items.
You can apply the same template to all of your items, including future uploads, by creating an IPTC/EXIF mapping rule:
- Go to the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab.
- If you want to apply the rule to new items as they are uploaded (recommended), check the “Enable IPTC/EXIF Mapping when adding new media” and “Enable IPTC/EXIF Mapping when updating media metadata” boxes.
- Scroll down to the “Standard field mapping” section.
- Locate the “AKT Text” rule entry.
- In the “IPTC Value” dropdown control leave the default “- None (select a value) -” in place.
- In the “EXIF/Template Value” text box enter template:(hello [+parent_title+])
- In the “Priority” dropdown, select “EXIF”.
- In the “Existing Text” dropdown, select “Keep” or “Replace” (to keep or replace existing ALT Text values for attached items). Unattached items will not be affected.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click “Save Changes”.
Once you define the rule you can apply it to a single image, multiple images or all images:
- To map a single image, go to the Media/Assistant submenu and click the thumbnail of the image you want (or click the “Edit” rollover action) to get the Media/Edit Media screen. You can click the “Map IPTC/EXIF metadata” link to run your rules on this image, then scroll down and look through the taxonomy meta boxes to inspect the results.
- To map two or more images, go to the Media/Assistant submenu and click the checkbox next to the images you want. Then, select “Edit” from the “Bulk Actions” dropdown above the checkboxes and click “Apply” to open the Bulk Edit area. Click the “Map IPTC/EXIF metadata” button to run your rules on the selected images.
- To map all of your images, stay on the Settings/Media Library Assistant IPTC/EXIF tab and click the “Map All Attachments, Standard Fields Now” button. This may take a while.
I hope that gets you started on a solution for your application. I am marking this topic resolved, but if you have any problems or further questions regarding the above suggestions, post an update here and I will give you more specific help. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.