Sorry. I was on vacation. It doesnt work. I’ve never had this problem before.
Here is a part of the php file as I have changed it:
<?php echo '#'.$parentId; ?> .searchClassName,
<?php echo '#'.$parentId; ?> .searchNotFound,
<?php echo '#'.$parentId; ?> .centerWhite,
<?php echo '#'.$parentId; ?> .centerDark,
<?php echo '#'.$parentId; ?> .gallery1DecHeader,
<?php echo '#'.$parentId; ?> .gallery1DescP
font-family:<?php echo $UGML_Font_Style; ?> !important;
<?php echo $UGML_Custom_CSS; ?>
return ob_get_clean();
and so on.
Sorry, my english is not so god, but i think, i understand. What can i do ?
By Nadja