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  • Running wp 4.4.1 and after upgrading to NGG 2.1.23 and I’m having the same problem. “No entries found” under the manager gallery and album pages but the overview page says I have 7 albums 21 images. Under Other Options I updated “Where would you like galleries stored?” to wp-content/gallery/ and that got the system to add new folders to /gallery (seen through FTP) and SQL entries for when I create new galleries but still “No entries found”. Please help!

    I’ve also noticed that the Gallery Settings page doesn’t seem to be working right. No settings are being loaded.

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    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @jeyt – Please start your own topic so we can try to help you with your specific issue on your specific site.



    – Cais.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @giampia – There could be a plugin conflict going on here or at least it should be ruled out. Have you tried deactivating all of your plugins, clearing your browser cache (and site caches if you are using a caching plugin), then reactivating the NextGEN plugin?

    If this fixes the problem then it was likely one of the deactivated plugins that was causing an issue. Now, retrace your steps activating each plugin and re-checking to see if the problem returns. If it does then that last activated plugin was probably the one. Keep reactivating and in most cases it is also best to keep checking after each plugin, sometimes there may be more than one plugin on a site that will create an issue. If you do find one (or more) plugins causing this problem we would greatly appreciate your feedback on them so the developers may address them as soon as they can.

    Also to note, in rare cases it may be the theme itself that is causing a conflict so while you have just the NextGEN plugin activated you might consider temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress Twenty series themes and see if this corrects the issue as well.

    If the problem still persists after all of this we would still want to know, even more so, as we will still want to sort out the issue and may need additional details.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter giampia


    Thank you Cais!
    I’m sorry to tell you that I’ve deactivated ALL the plugins and switched the theme.. but nothing to do… it doesn’t work!

    These are the issues:
    NextGen Gallery Version 2.1.23
    Wordpress version 4.4.1

    This is the Server Report:

    Operating System : Linux (64 Bit)
    Server : Apache
    Memory usage : 72.25 MByte
    MYSQL Version : 5.5.45-37.4-log
    SQL Mode : Not set
    PHP Version : 5.6.17
    PHP Safe Mode : Off
    PHP Allow URL fopen : On
    PHP Memory Limit : 268435456
    PHP Max Upload Size : 50M
    PHP Max Post Size : 55M
    PCRE Backtracking Limit : 1000000
    PHP Max Script Execute Time : 300s
    PHP Exif support : Yes ( V1.4 )
    PHP IPTC support : Yes
    PHP XML support : Yes
    Graphic Library

    GD Version : bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    FreeType Support : Yes
    FreeType Linkage : with freetype
    T1Lib Support : Yes
    GIF Read Support : Yes
    GIF Create Support : Yes
    JPEG Support : Yes
    PNG Support : Yes
    WBMP Support : Yes
    XPM Support : Yes
    XBM Support : Yes
    WebP Support : No
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : Yes

    Many Thanks

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @giampia – Sorry to read there were no obvious conflicts … are there any recent entries in your server’s error_logs files that point to NextGEN Gallery?

    Also, you might try the Reset Option under Gallery > Other Options while you only have NextGEN Gallery active as well … it might help to sort this out.


    – Cais.

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