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  • I have the same problem..

    And i really need to cache all image files to my wordpress media.. Its very poor to show images from outside.

    Plugin Author Allen


    ISenne..not sure what the problem is…the size of the image imported depends on the size of the image in the feed….are you still having problems?

    I’m not sure what you mean “its very poor to show images from outside”…you mean you want to put all images into your media file?

    Thread Starter iSenne


    The problem is that the plugin does not import images. It show’s images from the source, or it doesn’t show images at all (in the case of the enclosure).

    The images are just HTML img tags with the src pointing to the source website, not my own. And when I set images to be a Featured Image, it doesn’t add the image as Featured Image to the post

    Plugin Author Allen


    If it’s not adding the image to the featured image, I’ve found that happens for one of three reasons…one is there is a bug in the program (which has been revealed in one case in the last 6 months), or more likely the person has the setting wrong – and the last case is that there is no image in the feed.

    If you want, contact me at

    and provide temp login credentials and I can usually see which of the above is the problem quite quickly.

    Thread Starter iSenne


    I’ve send you a message! Tnx in advanced ??

    Thread Starter iSenne


    Wauw I was stupid. Next time read all the lines…

    Word output settings
    NOTE: Choosing Give me everything will prohibit you from getting a Featured or Default Category Image

    Tnx Allen. You are brilliant!

    Plugin Author Allen


    no problem… Please spend a moment and rate my plugin by going to

    It helps a lot with motivation since I don’t make any money improving this plugin ??


    I have a similar problem to this. None of the thumbnails show up on the rss widget. The theme with the widget & the theme from the blog of the feed both definitely allow for featured image & I have added the relevant code to the functions php to the first blog to make sure that it shows thumbnails on the rss feed, but nothing works.

    I’ve checked the settings so many times for this plugin, but I can’t figure out how to get it to work.

    Any ideas?

    Plugin Author Allen


    What is the URL of the RSS feed?

    So guys this plugin work perfect and thanks to Allen for this … but i was have same problem with featured images …. and i find where is the problem … the problem coming if in blog from where you use feed the image have a free space in image name like .. “image name.jpg” …if is like this then plugin cant take a image to futured images because cant upload to attachment(media)….image name must to be like “image_name.jpg” then no problem…and if image have name with utf8 encoding like “имаге_наме.jpg” have a problem too…


    Plugin Author Allen


    Thanks kiremk for explaining this to people..some people think it’s the plugin’s fault, but in fact, as you said, a lot of feeds mess up the links, etc and cause all sorts of problems for people.

    I guess I’m not understanding the post from “kiremk” above.

    I just found this great plugin this morning. I’m testing using Amazon RSS feeds, but the images are not posting to “featured image.”

    Here is an example of one of the image links:,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_.jpg

    Can someone let me know whether this should work, or what I’m not understanding? Thanks in advance.


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