• Resolved lareymcd98033


    My process for making Woo and Square work together has been to first upload all product information to square and then come back to Woo to import products from Square and then update the long descriptions and match images to products. (I have set Square to be the system of record.) Images usually show up in Square only a few minutes after entering them in Woo. Lately the images have not been showing up in Square. What do you suggest I try to make Square and Woo more compatible?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Saif


    Hello @lareymcd98033,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    My process for making Woo and Square work together has been to first upload all product information to square and then come back to Woo to import products from Square and then update the long descriptions and match images to products. (I have set Square to be the system of record.)

    When Square is set as your sync setting, all data in WooCommerce will be overwritten by Square, not the other way around so Square images shouldn’t be affected.

    Could you attach some screenshots to help us get a better understanding of the issue?

    Also, please share a copy of your site’s System Status Report. You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”.? Once you’ve done that, paste it here in your response.

    Look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thread Starter lareymcd98033


    I sent an email back to you, but apparently it didn’t get to you. Let me try phrasing things differently: Is there a sure way of transferring multiple images to Square from Woo? Today I changed the sync setting to Woo to see if maybe that would make the process work better. It seems to have helped.

    There is a possibly unrelated problem that one of the artists in our gallery discovered earlier today. Images in the store are not showing up on mobile phones. For instance: https://parklanegallery.org/product/eternal-butterfly-irena-jablonski/ looks fine on tablet and computer, but the image disappears on mobile phone.

    Thread Starter lareymcd98033


    Update — apparently the store images are not showing on tablet either. Is there any help for this?

    Plugin Support Grigorij S. a11n


    Hi @lareymcd98033,

    Thank you for the follow-up!

    Let me try phrasing things differently: Is there a sure way of transferring multiple images to Square from Woo? Today I changed the sync setting to Woo to see if maybe that would make the process work better. It seems to have helped.

    I’m glad to hear that setting WooCommerce as the source of information helped!

    When Square is set as the?Sync Setting, the images from Woo to Square will only be synced if no images are set in Square:


    It sounds like there was some sort of an issue with the sync on your site and in order to troubleshoot this, we’ll need to take a look at the sync logs and your System Status Report. If the Log debug messages to the WooCommerce status log checkbox was disabled in wp-admin >> WooCommerce >> Settings >> Square – you’ll want to enable it, set the Sync Setting back to Square, wait for the sync to run, navigate to wp-admin >> WooCommerce >> Status, find the latest Square sync log and copy it, and send it to us.

    You’re welcome to open a ticket on WooCommerce.com and link to this forum thread:


    You can also start a chat in the chat window if you don’t have a WooCommerce.com account.

    Alternatively, if the sync works with WooCommerce specified in the Sync Setting, and you’re fine with the implications of that being set to WooCommerce – then most likely, no further troubleshooting of product image sync is necessary.

    If a product in WooCommerce has multiple images – only the main product image will be synced to Square, and syncing multiple images would likely require code customization.

    There is a possibly unrelated problem that one of the artists in our gallery discovered earlier today. Images in the store are not showing up on mobile phones. For instance:?https://parklanegallery.org/product/eternal-butterfly-irena-jablonski/?looks fine on tablet and computer, but the image disappears on mobile phone.

    Update — apparently the store images are not showing on tablet either. Is there any help for this?

    I wasn’t able to replicate this behavior – the product image shows up on mobile devices and tablets:


    Are you able to replicate this behavior with Square plugin disabled? If yes – then most likely this isn’t an issue with the Square plugin but perhaps a caching issue, or an issue with your theme.

    You could try disabling all caching plugins, and if that doesn’t help – perform a plugin/theme conflict test.

    Let us know how that goes!

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