• Hi,
    I know this has come up a lot, but I still can’t get dividers and social media icons to appear in emails. I have reset permissions to 775 on the suggested folder – and extended that to other mailpoet folders as well. I have deactivated and deleted mailpoet, created a new newsletter and ran numerous tests. Everything appears correct when I preview in Chrome, but once I send it in an email the dividers and social icons do not appear. Your test image (“play with this image”) appears correctly as do images from my post and my header image, but not the dividers and social icons.

    For the moment I’ll remove the failing images, but I’d really like to fix this. I don’t have anything in .htaccess that could account for it.

    Thanks in advance for your help


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  • Thread Starter chaostica


    It’s come time for another post to go out on Mail Poet and the dividers and social media icons still fail to appear. The rest of the post is fine. The header image on the email appears correctly as does the image from the post. I’ve done everything that I’ve found suggested in this forum and in the knowledge base. When viewing the message in a web browser the dividers and media icons appear, just not in the emai.

    Can you help?

    Thread Starter chaostica


    I’ve removed the divider and social media icons from the email. If I’m unable to get Mail Poet to work correctly I might try creating my own and adding them as images, but I’m not sure how to do that or even if it would work. At least I’m able to get a post out.

    Can you please, paste the Browser version link to your newsletter here so that we can check those?

    Also, make sure your ADBlocker is not blocking them from you.

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