• I’m using the Minimatica 1.0.7 theme to upload a portfolio site. I’ve uploaded images as separate blog posts and published them.
    The homepage is set up to display the images in a gallery. But while it shows the captions, in does not display the images themselves: instead, it’s a blank gray box. What am I doing wrong?

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  • I don’t exactly understand what you mean by “I’ve uploaded images as separate blog posts and published them.” but here is what you have to do:

    When editing a post, in the right column click on “Set Featured Image”. Upload and image and then select “Use as Featured Image”. The image should appear on the front page for that post.

    I have successfully uploaded an image through the “Set Featured Image” tab, however, the image is not in full view, it’s there, but slid to the right.

    I have clicked the center tab, but it still isn’t centered. Anyone else having this issue with this theme?… or more importantly, can anyone tell me how to solve this issue?
    Take a look, if you don’t understand what I mean… ericacoghill.com

    I would appreciate any help! Thanks!

    I also have problems with pictures not shown on the home page. I need help too.

    Same here. I uploaded to post, set as featured and the photo is set to right so only a small fraction shows in gallery window. ??

    I have the same problem. Help!

    I got it working. It is possilbe that there are a min # of featured photos needed before slider performs as expected. I uploaded random pics and marked the post titles Test#1, Test#2 & so on. The slider immediately began working. *I also uploaded the AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild plugin. Right away I noticed an improvement in the thumbnails generated.

    I really love this theme.


    Hope this helps.

    I also found what was wrong. You need to open the gallery and choose “use as featured image”.

    I just started using the minimatica couple days ago and thank you all for sharing the information regarding to how to upload teh image to the gallery of home page. I finally got it working after I read all your comment. But I have one question… how do you make the image only show on the home page but not on the post like flridgeuid’s website?

    lmjw2011- Go to Theme Options (under Appearance) and you’ll have the option of selecting “gallery” or “blog” for each area. My home & categories are both set to “gallery” and all others to “blog”.

    Hope that helps.


    You need to open the gallery

    I can’t fine where is this Gallery? In the post? In the settings?
    My main page still doesn’t work.

    I got it.

    I should have included this- From ‘Post’, make sure to select ‘gallery’ option at right side if you intend to have the photo/text/whatever populate in the slider.

    Here’s another suggestion- get a redirect plugin for the home page! I used the menu to have my pages listed on each page- but realized there was no ‘Home’ option. So I created a page called ‘Home’, used the redirect (to the main url) and added to the pages menu.

    Really like the theme. I’m using it on multiple websites.

    good idea , flrideguide,

    So I created a page called ‘Home’

    but anybody know how to make a page working as a home page, I mean 4 images on the front. I want make the same page for my other stuff, do I need to install WordPress again for that at sub-domain?

    flrideguide – Thank you for your help. I tried to set the theme option as you recommended but it still didn’t work. I will try to download the “redirect plugin” for the home page.

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