• Resolved denap


    I’m trying to insert an image — only an image — on the front page. I don’t see a way to do that, so I’ve tried to create a sticky post and a sticky page in order to display a very specific graphic. Of course, both of them have that gray overlay and have to link somewhere.

    Here are my questions regarding this situation:

    1. Is it possible to simply insert an image under the featured pages area? (slider or otherwise)

    2. I created a sticky page and post but tried to delete both because that gray overlap just doesn’t look good. Is there a way to adjust that gray overlay size?

    3. In trying to delete the post, page and image that I’m trying to display since nothing worked, I’m still left with a blank sticky area which says AUTO DRAFT.

    How can I delete that?



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  • Start by trying a single-image Slider. Create a slider but only add a single image to it.

    Come back if that hasn’t worked for you.

    Thread Starter denap


    Thanks, rdellconsulting, but can I add a second slider to the home page? I didn’t think that was possible. If it is, can you advise how to insert the second slider? Thanks much. ??

    You can’t have 2 Czr sliders, but by using a plugin (eg WPPA) you can have multiple sliders by coding HTML/Shortcodes on your Page.

    Thread Starter denap


    I see. My biggest problem right now is this AUTO DRAFT snafu on my home page now. I deleted the sticky page and post and the media itself since none of it was working, and now there is this. (scroll a wee bit)

    I’ve written the customizr developer to ask how to remove it and if upgrading would solve both problems more easily…lol. Waiting to hear back from them now.

    Short term fix:

    #post-72 {
        display: none;
    Thread Starter denap


    You are very kind, rdell, but I’m an idiot. I can work within the dashboard area but that’s about it. I have no idea where to insert that. I scanned through the editor area but didn’t see an obvious place to insert that.

    I can’t do anything directly in the files on the host end — if that’s even how to refer to it…lol

    Thank you, though. Hopefully I’ll hear from the customizr people fairly soon.

    Thread Starter denap


    FYI: I installed this plugin and it cleaned out the auto-drafts and took care of that problem. Yay!


    Thread Starter denap


    Well, unfortunately I haven’t yet heard back from support. I did fix the Auto Draft problem, but I am still unable to insert a sticky post on the front page as shown in the demo.

    I still don’t know if upgrading to Pro would enable me to insert an image, in addition to the slider, or if I must have Pro to do the sticky post properly.

    I need to resolve this this morning or scrap this and go with another theme.

    I can’t deal with coding to change things as suggested above; I’ll mess something up for sure. I just want this to look like the demo home page, with the slider, then featured pages, then sticky post (with large image), then grid posts beneath that.

    Oh, I have enabled the “expand last sticky post” and made sure the block itself has the “sticky” option selected. Still, the sticky post appears in the grid, rather than the larger featured sticky post as in the demo.

    Any suggestions? Thanks. ??

    @nikeo and @d4z regularly review this Forum but I’ll try to help you first. Sticky Post is a WP feature, not Czr.

    Select the post you want, then from the Dashboard select Quick Edit. You’ll find a tickbox ‘Make this post sticky’. It’s as simple as that!

    Thread Starter denap


    Sorry I’m a pain…lol.

    I did that though. I made it a sticky and enabled the advanced grid option area to be sure “expand last sticky post” is checked.

    I’ve set it up in my localhost Czr Support site and it works fine. Here’s an image.

    But read your post again, you’re trying to do something different. I’ll try to alert @d4z.

    Thread Starter denap


    I really wish I could do that. Like I said, I have made sure the post is “sticky,” and — per a forum discussion where someone else asked about it on the Czr Pro forum — I do have the “expand the last sticky” option checked.

    (And I have checked and unchecked the sticky thing, hoping for a reset or something…lol)

    Maybe there’s something about the grid? I have it set up for a three-column grid, just like the demo.

    I just don’t know why it won’t work. ??

    I just need to insert another full-width or at least large, like the sticky post image, on the home page, and I can’t figure out how to get it inserted without resorting to coding, which I can’t do.

    I’ve perused the info re: the Pro version but didn’t get an answer to my question. Do you know if the Pro version allows for more flexibility in adding more large images (or more sliders) to the home page?

    Hello denap,
    I’m not able to reproduce your issue with the sticky post ?? Did you try disabling your plugins? Maybe one of the conflicts..

    To add an image after the slider .. I always prefer to add a widget area so I can put other stuff in it if I want. To do that you should add the following to your child-theme functions.php:

    // Adds a widget area after the home slider
    add_filter( 'tc_default_widgets' , 'add_my_hs_widget_area' );
    function add_my_hs_widget_area( $defaults ) {
      $defaults['after-hs-widget-area'] = array(
        'name'                 => 'After home slider Widget Area',
        'description'          => 'Extra widget area after the home slider',
        'before_widget' => '<div class="widget my-ahs-widget">',
        'after_widget' => '</div>',
      return $defaults;
    // Place the widget area after the header
    add_action ('__after_header', 'print_my_hs_widget_area', 15);
    function print_my_hs_widget_area() {
        if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') && tc__f('__is_home') ) {

    Looking at the source of your page, there’s something wrong there.
    There’s an article which isn’t really printed:

    <section class="row-fluid grid-cols-1">                                    <article >
                                    <hr class="featurette-divider __after_article"></section><!--end section.row-fluid--><hr class="featurette-divider post-list-grid">

    there should be the actual first sticky post in full width (you can see it’s in full width ’cause there’s grid-cols-1 in the section classes)

    Thread Starter denap


    Thanks, d4z. I only had one plugin activated, so I deactivated that and tried again, but no luck.

    I can’t deal with code; I don’t have that knowledge, unfortunately.

    Oh well, I GREATLY appreciate the help but it looks like I need to try something else as I assume the Pro version doesn’t make this any easier (without coding knowledge).

    I don’t think I even have a child theme…lol

    Thread Starter denap


    FYI: I hired help to customize this for me. I’ll close this now. But I have a new question that I’ll be posting…lol

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