• Ciao, innanzitutto grazie per questo ottimo plugin che tra l’altro vedo sempre in veloce miglioramento…ogni volta che ho pensato si potrebbe migliorare su…..il giorno dopo o poco più ecco che esce l’aggiornamento che speravo…insomma proprio il TOP….
    Voglio solo chiedere ora se c’e’ la possibilità di far funzionare il pulsante fullscreen anche su smartphone o tablet come su pc in quanto ho notato che su di essi non funziona e visto che neanche lo zoom con le dita sembra funzionare sarebbe proprio il massimo…grazie in ogni caso

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Robbys.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Robbys.
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  • Diego


    Ciao Roberto, grazie mille per i complimenti.

    ho appena pubblicato un aggiornamento che corregge il mancato funzionamento del fullscreen su mobile, dovresti vederlo nei prossimi minuti.

    Per la funzione di zoom con le dita faccio una verifica perché si tratta di una funzionalità molto utile, grazie per il suggerimento.


    Thread Starter Robbys


    Grazie….ho installato l’aggiornamento stasera…ho provato sia con il mio smartphone android sia con tablet ma a ne non ha risolto.
    Ho provato sia con browser differenti per verificare che non dipendesse da ciò ma su nessuno ha funzionato…che possa dipendere da qualche impostazione?

    hi, i have the same problem, the full screen button doesnt work, only the X button(for closing) works and both works on PC.

    also both “Image max”(width and height) settings doesnt work for smartphone, when i click on it, the image is so small, it does not correspond to the % of the screen size, if i set both to 90%, the image is always like at 50% or less.

    yep, same problem, i just upgraded the plugin and the problem is still there, the only button that works is the “X” and the navigation.



    Hi all,

    with version 1.0.21 (which you should be able to see it in minutes) the fullscreen button should be (finally!) fixed for mobile devices.

    @xpedal can you tell me the URL of your site? I can’t see the issue about max width.

    @enikolov zoom and pinch commands are almost ready to be published ??

    Thank you, guys! ?? Will wait for the update then. But don’t forget about:
    – non-working download button on android
    – background is disabled on android even though “Disable buttons background” is not checked. So I can’t close the image if I click anywhere different then the “X”



    Ouch, You’re right! I’ll work on those issues then.

    Thread Starter Robbys


    TOP TOP!!
    A me funziona sia su smartphone Android che su tablet…
    Su Iphone qualcuno mi ha detto di no ma per ora mi accontento…meriti un cadeau…provvedo subito



    Ahahah grazie ??

    Purtroppo ho ricevuto una segnalazione anche io per l’iphone ma non ne ho uno sottomano, se riuscissi ad avere qualche informazione in più (anche solo il modello) sarebbe ottimo, nel frattempo cerco anch’io qualche beta tester.

    @greentreelabs https://www.xpedal.com
    my site is under construction, it’s password protected, all you would see is the default “index.html”, but now it’s working.

    The problem with the mobile version is that it requires “2 clicks” to be able to see what the pictures actually looks like.

    What i mean, is this, if you are visiting a site with your puglin(mobile version) and there happens to have a picture, that usually is a thumbnail, when you click on the picture, it does not enlarge enough to see the picture, for what i have seen, it’ like 30% bigger than the original thumbnail, people are supposed to “click” and see a large version of the thumbnail, your plugin only black out the site, showing a picture around 30% large than original size of the thumbnail, in order to see the picture, i need to do another click on the zoom button.

    I like your version, but if it could take more space of the screen like the “Wp Lightbox Bank Standard Edition” and with the option to zoom, it would be perfect.

    these images show what i mean:
    Wp Lightbox Bank Standard Edition: https://s29.postimg.org/3pkf8gwzb/Screenshot_2017_01_18_14_57_57.png

    Lightbox – EverlightBox Gallery:

    how can i change it to display more like the 1st image? i mean, more width and height, i know i can edit the max settings, but even at 100%, still doesnt take the whole screen(all width), if i set above 100, there are some problems, i would like to make mine display like the 1st picture, while retaining all features of your plugin.

    thx for your work.

    I’ve just made the updated from today, but still having the same issues (marked/described in red on the photo):

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