Import database: Mysql error #1142 – TRIGGER command denied
I’m trying to move my wordpress database to another server. When importing I get this error (also all tables after wp_comments are not imported properly/site unaccessable):Error SQL query: Documentation -- -- Triggers <code>wp_comments</code> -- DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER <code>livenotification</code> AFTER INSERT ON <code>wp_comments</code> FOR EACH ROW IF( INSTR( new.comment_agent, 'Disqus' ) ) THEN INSERT INTO wp_livenotifications( userid, userid_subj, content_type, content_id, parent_id, content_text, is_read, time, username ) VALUES ( ( SELECT post_author FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = new.comment_post_ID ), new.user_id, 'comment', new.comment_ID, new.comment_post_ID, ( SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = new.comment_post_ID ), '0', UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) , new.comment_author ); END IF $$ MySQL said: Documentation #1142 - TRIGGER command denied to user 'xxxxxxxx'@'localhost' for table 'wp_comments'
Would be very happy about any help!
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