• Resolved gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    I created a group. I wish to import a file from TM. TM creates the ZIP file with both ev3 and the hyv files. The ev3 has the events list for the meet. Can this file be imported into the event group and it creates a new meet number during loading?

    I can extract into a CVS and reformat the data to align with your table and import into table using the PHPMYADMIN – this is the long way.


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  • Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    I have a few more things to add to fix first.
    These are very important.
    5) Generating the labels from swim team. Hy-tek label is MMDDYY
    then (4) FNAME (1) Middle INIT (4) LNAME

    Total will look like 110102LINEDISA
    This is what is generated by USA and the Hy-TEK roster file in TM when using the build function within.

    6) The import works for TM files into the events table. Missing item is the meet number.
    We have groups. We have meets. The Event table needs to join the two tables for reference. During the event load, we need to place a drop down of the meets. The group is already understood and listed and working to be stored in the events table. The meet is missing and ends up zero. I go in and do a direct table update to the meet column with the meet assoc.

    I guess if I manual entered everything, this referential integrity is working properly.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    Couple more things to add.

    7) When the roster file has a swimmer that is inactive for the season. We should not dump that swimmer in the export roster to Hy-TEK. If someone wants inactive swimmers included, maybe we can have an option on there to include inactive otherwise default to only active swimmers. A CVS dump can include all?

    5) I am not sure I explained 5 above. The issue is the YY is on the first two positions and needs to be in position 5-6.

    8) The memory issue is back in production. Using the BETA and update PHPLIB – It is happening on HY-TEK roster dump. RE1 works.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    Here a small fix.
    9) When in Manage -> Meets(Tab) – Select option Manage Events
    seems like there is a loose ECHO statements somewhere (Array) or could be a var_dump.
    Array BEST Monster Mini

    Since the only option is load events. It brings up the popup to match the event group. This is how you get the table to load events with group and meet references. Just missing the opposite way when managing event groups and loading events need to get the meet in there.

    OK I see Never mind about the statements above – Let me test to see if having events to group will allow me to match it using the meet area. I see what you did.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Lots of things to respond to while I have been away for work …

    Probably the most important one to discuss is the alphanumeric events. As you noted the database field is defined as an integer. Changing this to an alpha numeric string will break a couple of things, most importantly the event ordering. I’ve never seen anything but a numeric number in the HYV file but by no means have I seen all possibilities.

    Allowing age groups of a single age (#1) is a pretty simple fix, I am working on that now. I will also look at using 0 in the event file on the minimum age of an event as the minimum age as set up in wp-SwimTeam, likewise for the maximum (#4). This too should be pretty easy to add.

    #3 should already work, that is what Event Groups are for. You set up an event group and once you’re happy with it, you can load it into a meet. The loading process essentially copies the events so they can then be modified on a meet by meet basis without affecting the event group data. This allows for minor deviations of events without havign to recreate the entire meet. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense. This also is related to #6 – the meet ID should be 0 for the base events in an Event Group which means they are not meet specific.

    #7 makes sense, I think I will add a checkbox to allow inclusion of inactive swimmers.

    #8 – hard to replicate. Any chance you’d provide access to your system? I think I will add an option to not generate the HTML table of swimmer data, that seems to be what is causing the memory error.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,
    What is your GMAIL again?

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    You can reach me at my WordPress profile name at Gmail dot com.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Sent to wpwelsh – password sent too.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I have just posted a new beta release which addresses a number of the issues you have run into.

    This beta release supports the age groups where min and max age are the same (e.g. 9-9) and does some intelligent processing of zeros (0) as the min or max age in a HYV file, mapping it to the min and/or max age as defined by wp-SwimTeam.

    Still to look at are a couple of your issues included the Swimmer Label issue and active/inactive swimmer in the Roster Export.

    An inactive swimmer in the system will never appear on the roster so I am not sure if we’re on the same page on this one. Are you referring to a swimmer who is inactive for a swim meet which should not be included in the Roster Export? If so, there is no way to know that because the roster is based on the defined season not any particular swim meet.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    I check again on this new beta. You are right sorry. the inactive swimmer is not on the roster. And, yes this is for the season. As parents do not want to continue with the program we inactive the swimmer from appearing on the roster. Then download the roster in Hy-tek for meets.

    Next we are using the loaded events to register for the meet. When the person registers for the meet and events, we download the file to be upload in hy-tek (TM). Since some events have 0-10 or 16-0 we need the age group function. Let me see after a few test and I will get back to you.

    Thanks for the hard work!

    Swimmer label was an easy fix, but I have to do it again. I just moved the year to the end show it is MDDYY instead of YYMMDD.
    If this is used in other layouts, I can understand why.

    for number #3 – I see the Event grouping – So this is like a template of events that do not regularly change. Then each season you just load the events to the meets? If you confirm, then I like this approach?
    I just need to test this out to make sure I understand. I went about it as a one to one link. But 1 group can be used in multi meets if the events are the same. I see. This can be used in our seasonal meets and reduce the groups.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    You can think of Event Groups like templates. If you frequently use the same set of events for a meet, you can set up an Event Group with those events and then load them into a specific meet. Once they are loaded into a meet, you can operate on them (change, add, delete, reorder, etc.) without affecting the events which are defined in the Event Group.

    In our local swim league, the same 66 events are always run however the teams can agree to run the 6&U events first which means the event order would change but the not the events themselves. I can load the standard events into a meet, move all of the 6&U events to be first, and I am ready to seed my meet. Take 2 minutes at most.

    I’ll look at the Hy-tek labeling this afternoon.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Regarding the birth date issue, the actual swimmer birth date is stored in the database as YYYY-MM-DD. Because it is used is many places in multiple formats, there are several methods in the class to retrieve the date as YYMMDD or DDMMYY or YYYYMMDD, and a couple more as I recall. I am probably just using the wrong format although I would have expected that to show up sooner.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I just looked at the USS Number generation and it was indeed wrong, it is now fixed in beta 5. You can download it here.

    I think this fixes all open issues with the exception of alpha-numeric events which I can’t fix.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    I download Beta 5 – Installed by overlay.

    Deactivated both PHPLIB and wp-swimteam
    Activate PHPLIB first then swimteam

    received fatal error

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function swimteam_add_default_capabilites() in C:\xampp\htdocs\mac\wp-content\plugins\wp-swimteam\swimteam.php on line 288

    Missing function?

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    It was spelling. I corrected.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I didn’t catch that because I had never deactivated and reactivated the plugin during my testing. I have fixed this problem in beta-6.

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