Hi Guido,
thanks for your fast answer.
If I understand the workings of VSEL correctly there are two things needed: One event and “further information”, a simple post, that can be linked to the event. I have successfully imported the posts via the standard WP importer.
I also have successfully exported the events via the standard WP importer.The export dialog shows the post type “event” but the import dialog does not. If try to import the generated event file I get a number of error messages like “user import failed. Post are assigned to current user” (” Import des Benutzers fehlgeschlagen. Seine Beitr?ge werden dem aktuellen Benutzer zugewiesen.”).
best regards,
P.S.: I finally got it to work, with a minor glitch. Below the error messages there is a checkbox that reads: “Download and import attachments”. When I check this box the events are actually imported, even though the dates get scrambled (09.06.2019 is imported as 06.09.2019).