• When I click import to import all of my posts on my blogger blog it says importing 1/103 and then it stops and the button changes to set authors. Why can’t I import from Blogger?

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  • Same issues. Importing from blogger is not possible right now as the workaround is not functioning.

    I played around in the wordpress code and changed $parser = xml_parser_create_ns(); to $parser = xml_parser_create(); around line 920 in blogger.php

    Not sure if that helps the wordpress people make an official solution, but it is allowing me to import again.

    @schmidt00 I did attempt to apply your fix but to no avail. When I try to click import it then gives me another button of continue, once click it continues to say continue going no where.

    All, I too am having the same problems, stops importing after 1/1950 posts, and 1//2005 comments. I tried to do it via the RSS import by I get a memory allocation error, so that’s not working either. I really want to move over, but as of now I seem stuck in a no win situation. HELP!!

    Same problem here, too.

    Schmidt00’s solution worked for me.

    In /wordpress/wp-admin/import/blogger.php find (around line 919):

    $parser = xml_parser_create_ns();

    Change it to:

    $parser = xml_parser_create();

    Apparently the developers changed the name of this function and forgot to update it in all dependent modules.

    So has this problem been fixed. If I can’t import my blog from Blogger to WordPress then there’s no use to install WordPress. I have over a thousand post in my Blog. No way I can start my Blog over.

    If this is a problem the Admins should let the public know. Remember before installing WordPress you have pay for hosting. If you can’t import from Blogger don’t let people waste their money thinking they can.

    when i’m trying to import my blog to wordpress i get this error message

    Could not connect to https://www.google.com

    There was a problem opening a secure connection to Google. This is what went wrong:

    Unable to find the socket transport “ssl” – did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (0)

    Thank you for creating with WordPress. | Documentation | Feedback

    Version 2.7.1

    plz help me

    Same here I got a problem importing from blogger….It gives a

    “Connection timed out (110)

    Thank you for creating with WordPress. | Documentation | Feedback

    Version 2.8 “


    Using 2.8.4 and having the “Connection timed out (110)” problem. It looks like they’ve rolled schmitt00’s code into the release, ‘coz it already has the line “$parser = xml_parser_create();” but it still doesn’t work.

    mine is stuck and wont continue this is what it says

    posts 3123/3546 and comments 0/108469 when I tried another one that had 12 posts and 100 comments it imported with no problem.

    mine is stuck and wont continue this is what it says

    posts 3123/3546 and comments 0/108469 when I tried another one that had 12 posts and 100 comments it imported with no problem.

    Same problem here, I get the

    “Connection timed out (110)

    I tried the https://blogger2wordpress.appspot.com/

    When uploading my XML file it says..

    Choose a file from your computer: (Maximum size: 1.46484375MB)

    my file ends up being a 1.7MB

    And I keep getting this error message!

    The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.



    For those showing 0|0 – you need to change your publishing settings to be published at whatever.blogspot.com and it will work when you try to do the import.

    Hope that helps.



    I kept experiencing import hangs and different points in both posts and comments.

    I finally succeeded however, when I went through blogger, used the export feature in blogger, then converted that file with the https://blogger2wordpress.appspot.com/ tool. Then I could import the resulting file into wordpress. Several extra steps but I got past being stuck.

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