I just got it to work. There seems to be two problems:
1. The import-rss.php file is looking for a <title> tag, but there isn’t one. Blogware exports the entries with a <title=”article”> or <title=”photo”> type of tag.
2. The excerpts that Blogware exports seems to be problematic. The import-rss.php file *seems* to read in the title, date, etc that it wants and then assumes the rest is the actual entry. Not true in Blogware’s case – the excerpt comes before the body.
To solve problem 1:
In the import-rss.php file, find the line that says:
preg_match_all(‘|<item>(.*?)</item>|is’, $importdata, $posts);
and change it to:
preg_match_all(‘|<item type=”article”>(.*?)</item>|is’, $importdata, $posts);
To solve problem 2:
Find the line that says:
preg_match(‘|<description>(.*?)</description>|is’, $post, $content);
and change to to read:
preg_match(‘|<body>(.*?)</body>|is’, $post, $content);
I also changed the line that said:
preg_match(‘|<pubdate>(.*?)</pubdate>|is’, $post, $date);
preg_match(‘|<pubDate>(.*?)</pubDate>|is’, $post, $date);
But I’m not sure that was required.
With respect to point number 1: This will only import your articles. If you have photos, reviews, whatever else, then you will have to manually change the <item type=”article”> to <item type=”photo”> and then run it again. Then change it to <item type=”review”> and run it again..and so on until all your different post types are imported.
There is syntax to tell preg_match() to look for <item type=” and then any string, but I’m too tied up with somethig else right now to look for it.
I would also recommend cutting everything but your first entry out of your Blogware export file while you screw around with this. That way, if you screw it up and only the titles (for example) import, then you don’t have to go into WP and delete 300 articles. Yes…..I’m giving you this for free ??
Please keep in mind that I hacked this together in about 2 minutes so there’s no guarantee that I’m totally correct or that this will work for everyone. If you have problems, post ’em and I’ll see what I can do.