• Hi. Totally new to WP and really impressed, but I have a vexing problem.

    We’re migrating our site to our own host servers and WP from a Squarespace site, using Squarespace’s capability to generate Movable Type exports for each of the Squarespace “pages.”

    We have *several* pages that we’d like to replicate structurally in our WP site.

    I haven’t been able to figure out how to import the MT import txt files and have them populate specific pages in WP — they all go into the home page.

    Is it possible to configure the MT import to look at the referenced page in the txt file name and import the posts to the correct page? Or are we just looking at manually moving each post to the correct page?

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  • Hi @wppaul,

    You might want to familiarize yourself w/ the difference in WordPress between posts, pages, and archives (collections of posts based on category, tag, author, or date). Here’s a link: https://en.support.wordpress.com/post-vs-page/

    I’m not sure what type of content is on your SquareSpace site, whether they are “basic pages” or “posts”, and whether you want to keep them as “posts” and “pages”. I looked here: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206566687-Exporting-your-site, where it talks about exporting from SS directly into WordPress. You might be able to get a good result from doing that.

    Can you talk a little bit about the site you’re moving FROM, maybe we can help you figure out the right process for doing this.

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