Import not creating table
Hello, Tobias. I am very new to your plug-in which looks as though it will provide all the functionality I need to provide a magazine index for one of my websites. But unfortunately I have fallen at the first hurdle: I have data in a CSV file but when I come to import it into TablePress it comes in as a table with a single column. This happens both with a .csv version and an .xlxs file.
I realise that I’m probably doing something very silly, and failing to spot something obvious, but I would be most grateful for your help.
You can see the result of my attempt to load the data on this page in my ‘test bench’ website where I try out plug-ins and themes before committing them to my other sites:
The Debug and Version Information is as follows:
· Website:
· TablePress: 1.8
· TablePress (DB): 34
· TablePress table scheme: 3
· Plugin installed: 2017/04/02 10:03:24
· WordPress: 4.7.3
· Multisite: no
· PHP: 7.0.17
· mysqli Extension: true
· mySQL (Server): 5.1.73-log
· mySQL (Client): mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev – 20150407 – $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $
· ZIP support: yes
· UTF-8 conversion: yes
· WP Memory Limit: 40M
· Server Memory Limit: 256M
· Magic Quotes: off
· WP_DEBUG: false
· WP_POST_REVISIONS: true————————
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