• Resolved area43webmaster


    My area uses AreaFellowship as our primary meeting database … to get data into TSML, I export the CSV from there, and then import to TSML. I have a script that massages the data first to handle some nuances of online meetings in the area (since AF doesn’t do this yet, we have to hack around it … LESS than ideal).

    Long story short – I have the following column headers in my CSV:
    Day,Time,End Time,Region,Name,Location,Address,Types,District,Updated

    And import works great. Today I tried to add “Conference URL” and “Conference Phone” per the updated template, but meetings with values in those fields do not import.

    Here is a snippet of my CSV:

    Day,Time,End Time,Region,Name,Location,Address,Types,District,Updated,Conference URL,Conference Phone
    Saturday,7:30PM,8:30PM,Derry,"SoAndSo Group","The Old Library","99 Fictional Lane","O,X,S",09,000108679
    Sunday,7:30PM,8:30PM,Derry,"SoAndSo Online Group","The Old Library","99 Fictional Lane","O,X,S",09,000108679,https://zoom.us/j/111223333

    The first meeting imports, the second one does not

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  • Plugin Author tech2serve


    Doesn’t import at all? I just tested on my site, and it imported fine (after I put in a real address). Are you saying if you only imported a csv with those two lines, only one meeting would import?

    Thread Starter area43webmaster


    Yes — I obscured the real address and location for this post … but those are two lines out of my actual meeting database. Once I add a Conference URL to any row in the CSV, that row is no longer imported.

    Using plugin version 3.6.4

    Plugin Author tech2serve


    Until I can come up with something better, can you try adding ONL as a type for the second meeting and import again?

    Thread Starter area43webmaster


    Still not working … here is the exact CSV I’m working with — unmodified / unfiltered. The second meeting imports, the first one does not.

    Day,Number,Time,End Time,Region,Name,Location,Address,Types,District,Updated,"Conference URL","Conference Phone"
    Saturday,7,10:15AM,11:45AM,Raymond,ZOOM ONLY - TIMTEST - ONLINE,The Old Library,"1 Church Street","O,X,T,D,+,90M,ONL",9,139657,https://zoom.us/j/111111111,1-800-111-1111
    Saturday,7,10:15AM,11:45AM,Raymond,ZOOM ONLY - TIMTEST - INPRSN,The Old Library,"1 Church Street","O,X,T,D,+,90M",    9,139657
    Thread Starter area43webmaster


    I see a comment in the plugin to call tsml_import_reformat for New Hampshire … was that a feature added for Area 43 that’s likely killing this data for me :)?

    admin_import.php line 59

    Where do I find the theme function definitions to validate this?

    Thread Starter area43webmaster


    I found and modified tsml_import_reformat method to account for the new columns, “Conference URL” and “Conference Phone”

    This is working perfectly now — no need to add the ONL type code.

    Thank you!!

    Plugin Author tech2serve


    Are you saying to had to add code? Or, remove something previously added?

    Thread Starter area43webmaster


    A previous webmaster implemented tsml_import_reformat in our theme’s functions.php file … their implementation did several things:

    1) Validated the input CSV to make sure it had only expected columns
    2) Validated the type codes to make sure they only had expected type codes
    3) Formatted certain other columns we get from Area Fellowship (such as GSO #), into the “Notes” column.

    In this case — when I added values for Conference URL, the validation in the tsml_import_reformat method was choosing to ignore the row, rather than pass it through, since it had unexpected data in it.

    So TSML was not failing to import it — it was being removed before TSML had a chance to.

    Similarly, the type code validation was removing ONL, because it wasn’t in it’s own list of “recognized” type codes.

    According to their comments in the script, this was originally implemented to account for some discrepancies between type codes in Area Fellowship and TSML — or to allow for custom type codes the Area Registrar can enter into Area Fellowship that weren’t part of the community code.

    Needless to say, now that I know this exists, I will be investigating it further and hopefully removing it entirely.

    Maybe I am stating the obvious, but…
    A CSV needs “quotes” around all values. It may be that you have not shown those for clarity in this post. The comma separates ‘fields’ but whatever is in those fields will no come through unless you put the quotes in.

    One of my meetings produces a CSV output like this:

    First row declares the fields, the rest is meeting details that follow that field structure.

    Time,Day,Name,Notes,Location,Address,Region,Location Notes,Group,District,Group Notes,Types,Conference_URL,Conference_phone
    “7:30 PM”,”Thursday”,”(elec) Aldershot Men’s AFG – Burlington (D14)”,””,”West Plains United Church – Burlington”,”549 Plains Road West
    Burlington ON L7T 1H1
    Canada”,”Burlington”,”Wheelchair Accessible”,”(elec) Aldershot Men’s AFG – Burlington (D14)”,”District 14 – Hamilton West”,”Group ID: 30647400, District 14 – Hamilton West. Meeting type: Al-Anon. Focus: Regular. Open to Families and Friends of alcoholics only. Men’s group. “,”,Online meeting”,”https://mcmaster.zoom.us/j/344909951″,””

    Plugin Author tech2serve


    Thank you for explaining @area43webmaster. I have to admin, I feel a bit like a broken record when I repeatedly ask webmasters to check their local changes when they’re experiencing an issue I cannot duplicate. Kind of like I’m blaming them, which I’m not ??

    Glad you’re up and working!

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