• Resolved woolfcom


    We are getting error messages – since the latest plugin update about server rejecting the 20 record imports.

    The import process has slowed markedly.

    To my knowledge we have not altered any settings on our server.

    Perhaps you might suggest a server setting which might solve this?

    Meantime how would I get an earlier version of the plugin to compare?

    Please advise?


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  • Plugin Author WP All Import


    You can download any earlier version from this page, under the “Other Versions” section: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-all-import/developers/

    The most likely cause of this problem actually is related to external factors (your server settings, if downloading images – the server hosting the images, other processes using the resources of your server, etc.)

    However, please report back if in fact the new version is significantly slower than a previous version! We’ll investigate if this is really the case.

    Here’s more info on what controls the import speed: https://www.wpallimport.com/documentation/advanced/import-processing/

    Thread Starter woolfcom


    I got my original downloaded version thanks.

    Checking the principal server usage was the file import process when wp all import was running and the consequent MySql processes spike arising.

    All other processes were well within limits and generally insignificant.

    The earlier version does on the face of it seem to run smoother without so many server warnings.

    That said I also removed the image uploads [extremely useful] and stuck with my Theme default image.

    So I am not clear which helped the speed and reduced server load.

    FYI I also find that the plugin stops my search form from working – so I de-activate it when not in use.

    Perhaps you can have a “sleep” mode?
    Perhaps you can have a “flush cache” [wp import processes only] or “cease processes” facility to reduce server loads – once the import has completed?

    All that said – I generally love using the premium plugin which is extremely simple and effective to use and very much appreciate your attention to support and detail [which all plugin developers might learn about developing Premium products when its worth paying].

    If you could suggest optimum server settings guidelines that would also help enormously.

    Plugin Author WP All Import


    >> Perhaps you can have a “flush cache” [wp import processes only] or “cease processes” facility to reduce server loads – once the import has completed?

    WP All Import already stops doing anything once the import completes.

    >> FYI I also find that the plugin stops my search form from working – so I de-activate it when not in use.

    Very strange. Probably, your theme’s search form is using the exact same global variable/class name that WP All Import is using somewhere.

    If you submit a ticket about this to [email protected] we can look into it further and see about changing the variable name used by WP All Import so as not to cause a conflict.

    >> So I am not clear which helped the speed and reduced server load.

    If you want us to investigate it, do the same import with the same settings using the old version – if the EXACT SAME import is significantly faster with an old version, we’ll investigate.

    >> If you could suggest optimum server settings guidelines that would also help enormously.

    Unfortunately, we’re not server admins, and there are so many different possible settings that could affect the speed of an import that we’re not exactly sure. However, the main thing is – the faster your server, the faster your import. So you want lots of processing power, lots of RAM, no artificial limits like max_execution_time, and nothing else on the server using up all the resources or throttling the resources available to a particular script.

    Thread Starter woolfcom


    I have issued a support ticket FYI.

    I also find the newer version extremely slow. I will revert back to old versions as it’s that slow. Maybe it is 80% slower now.

    Thread Starter woolfcom



    For us it has become virtually unusable its so slow.

    I have requested a stripped out version which does not try to search existing records – but they have said its not possible.

    Trouble is a potentially great plugin has become redundant especially for repeat imports.

    It also creates gigantic log files which clog up memory – so its potentially adds to the slowing up pace.

    I have paid for the Premium Version for a plugin that I can practically use only once.

    Later versions have become way too over – engineered in my humble view.

    Would really appreciate a practical solution….since I would love to keep using it.


    have you tried the pro wp all import 4.1.2 version which I think was only released a few days ago?

    I have to say though it’s a great plugin, probably one of the best I have seen and I have used many wordpress plugins over the years. It’s good they have added new features and improved it little by little and all the issues I had with it have had fixes in the later releases. Just the little things that they have improved has made it very nice now. I will try the new version when I get time, hopefully that will fix the slow performance issues…

    I’m not sure I like the step by step method in later versions, I might have preferred the simple 3 step process how it was before with all the main features on step 3. Now it seems a lot of steps, sort of noob friendly. But they have made some big improvements with the features.

    Thread Starter woolfcom


    yes thats what I use the PRO version and for a while now.

    I agree it has some great ideas and I love using it when it was practical.

    It does however boasts about the ability to repeat upload. Once we started to do that the entire process slowed to halt.

    It only fater I had bought the PRO versions that the very friendly engineers confessed that the process will slow down [obviously] because it is searching for duplicate listings previously imported.

    Like I should have expected this!

    I then responded by saying that the same imports which took 10 mins now take 3 hours with crashing every 10 mins because of server timeouts….[I use a VPS so no excuses on speed].

    However, it has become slower and slower and I have used this yesterday and it takes longer even on a brand new WP installation.

    The Features are great – but it is virtually unusable after the first few imports.

    Am hoping the de engineer a lot of the mapping layers and strip it back to basics.

    At the moment it takes 900% longer to import the same file 2 months ago it took to.

    I simply cant use it for its purpose now and a £100 bucks down the Fox News.

    Shame nice idea over engineered.


    I have yet to test it more before I can assess the slowness part. I will try it on various options to see if it’s a setting issue that can now be changed. It has changed a lot since earlier versions last year and I have found you need to rebuild some parts of the process. For example when I used an apostrophe in “replace queries” in taxidermies it now would not let you do that in later versions, you had to use double quotes. There were other things too, can’ remember off hand! I had to rebuild some of my imports but I will be putting it through some hard testing over coming weeks and I will then be able to determine how slow it is etc.

    I did notice there was a new setting for images that you can select to allow the plugin to search for other files. You might want to try turning that off and see if it improves it.

    Thread Starter woolfcom


    Yes because I saw this as the be all of our import problems for WP we probably ascribed too much credence to this as a solution.

    I suspect if we knew more about MySql Admin Tools – importing records directly is probably the simplest method using a dedicate MySql Admin Tool.

    We have tried all manner of differing variations of what to import – all of which has become like watching a 200,000 oil tanker berth.

    When we first used it – it was terrific despite slowing after the 3rd or 4th import.

    Recent incarnations make it work like treacle.

    I want the earliest version please?

    Plugin Author Soflyy


    endurobikes, what version were you using previously? What version are you using now, that is 80% slower?


    So the first run of the import is fast, but the second run is slow? Is the 3rd run even slower? And 4th run even slower? So the more you run the import, the slower it gets?

    At the moment it takes 900% longer to import the same file 2 months ago it took to.

    Do you know what version you were using 2 months ago?

    I then responded by saying that the same imports which took 10 mins now take 3 hours with crashing every 10 mins because of server timeouts

    Can you reproduce this import at https://www.wpallimport.com/debug? Alternatively, with what version were you using that it took 10 minutes? We’d be happy to send you that version, and also make tests and investigate.

    We will investigate thoroughly, because we want WP All Import to be as fast and efficient as possible.

    However, we can’t reproduce these problems on our end.

    99% of the time, when a user report that their imports are getting slower, or the new version is slower, it’s really their web server/web host.

    If you can show us how to reproduce the slowness issues, or demonstrate that the very same import on the very same server was significantly faster in a previous version of WP All Import, we will do everything we can to fix it.

    Thread Starter woolfcom


    99% of the time, when a user report that their imports are getting slower, or the new version is slower, it’s really their web server/web host.

    This is a cop out answer I m afraid. I run a VPS with just 4 small sites on it….which run at 20 – 25 % capacity on average. So that does not make sense and is not the reason.

    I have used the same settings both times

    I ran with the settings you recommended based on that. If you can recommend the correct settings again I will be happy to carry out the test again and report my findings more detailed?

    So we can resolve this and I can get back to enjoy using it!

    I bought 4.0.5 I believe originally.

    The debug process is way too time consuming – sorry. I am trying to run a business and rely on experts like your good self to do this.

    So the first run of the import is fast, but the second run is slow? Is the 3rd run even slower? And 4th run even slower? So the more you run the import, the slower it gets?

    Yes – and then it eventually grinds to a halt and the same file that took 10 mins to upload then takes 4 hours [these are approximate].

    You explained this previously as being “expected” because it had to check for duplicates. You also admitted that you would expect the second runs to slow up considerably as you said to me in a written response:

    ….In regards to splitting the file into chunks, WP All Import already does that for you. But another big issue he missed is that every time WP All Import inserts anything, it must first query the whole database. If it’s creating a new product, it needs to check if that product already exists. If it’s adding a taxonomy to that product, it needs to check if that taxonomy already exists, etc. So if you’re importing 100,000 products, that can literally take weeks, and there’s not much you can do about it besides move from WordPress to some enterprise scale ecommerce platform.

    Hope that helps!

    Best Regards,
    Joe Guilmette

    So your latest comments are a little surprising and confusing not to mention inconsistent – but welcome.

    Great but not if it slows the next imports to un-useability. The niceties of such functionality get completely lost.

    You then said that you could not design a stripped out version….hence it has become unsusable for us.

    See above, the first versions I said I was able to upload 200k records no problem – but our MySql queries were poor and this slowed the database up.

    Plugin Author Soflyy


    E-mail back the support e-mail address where you were talking to Joe and request 4.0.5. We’ll reply back and attach it.

    If 4.0.5 solves the speed issues for you – awesome! We’ll see what changed in the later versions that could be slowing it down.

    My personal belief is that 4.0.5 will not help you at all though.

    You also admitted that you would expect the second runs to slow up considerably as you said to me in a written response

    The second run will be slower. The third, fourth, fifth, etc. runs should not (typically) be any slower than the second run.

    The debug process is way too time consuming – sorry. I am trying to run a business and rely on experts like your good self to do this.

    Please. Reproduce the import at https://www.wpallimport.com/debug. Tell us if it’s slow there, or fast. If it is slow, we’ll roll back the /debug install you create to a previous version. If it’s fast with the previous version, but slow with the new version, we’ll then be able to easily see exactly what’s slowing things down, and FIX IT.

    If it’s fast there, but slow on your server, the problem is your server.

    If you won’t do that, our options for helping you are really limited. So please, please, please do that.

    Louis Reingold

    Thread Starter woolfcom



    You dont appear to have taken some of my comments on board..nor understood the implications of what your colleague admitted in his response – he said 100,000 would take WEEKs to import – that and I should move to an enterprise platform other than WordPress.

    That means that he expects lets say 5000 products could take DAYs to import – under the same conditions.

    Add to that the MASSIVE number of log files it leaves behind

    You should say that in advance of selling the plugin. This is important -surely?

    ..I DO want to help you FIX IT.

    I ll carry out some repeat tests and feed that back again for you.

    It’s conception is brilliant – what it aims to do ideal.

    This too-ing and fro-ing is not what I had in mind when I bought the plugin….please be assured.

    But I have to tell you the trail of support emails going back between us has thrown up a LOT of inconsistencies as well as comments which admit that the plugin does have a chronic slowing tendency – which one only learns after buying the script.

    Please look back and see.

    Specifically tell me what the ideal server settings are for using the plugin and then I can test the issue again in the context of your recommendations.

    There are a whole lot of reasons why your set up may be idealized for the plugin’s testing.

    Please. Reproduce the import at https://www.wpallimport.com/debug. Tell us if it’s slow there, or fast

    This is not a real world test is it?

    Simply implying that your server may be better than mine is self defeating in trying to resolve this. You have obviously optimized the server settings for the plugin’s use – correct?

    My personal belief is that 4.0.5 will not help you at all though.

    Saying that rolling back the version is not likely to help makes no sense – unless you think that my assertion that when I first got the the plugin I was able to import 200k records was not true. AND that what I say now is not true AND that you are asserting that my server settings are poor or it performs poorly – so let’s test that theory…..

    So please, please, please : recommend [again] the ideal server settings I should use to ensure that the plugin is on ideal test conditions. I will then happily ramp up my settings to suit. the server spec is: 7gig RAM.

    I will then test the latest version – which I have which you say should work better than the older version.

    I can send all my results in detail.

    I can confirm, that the plugin version has really gotten slow.
    Too slow.

    The question is, what has wp allimport changed.
    Only they know the solution.

    If you test in on their “free try it now” page:
    you will see that the import is still fast.

    So please Louis, let us in on the details.

    It looks like they might be trying to change there sales strategies, because on the “try” page, they note:

    “The demos are hosted on our MediaTemple DV Developer account (4GB RAM). Generally 100 – 200 demos are hosted on this account at one time”.

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