• Great plugin and you have a SORTABLE admin column, something which nobody else has.

    My only problem is I have been using Post Views Stats for years on my sites and now the database for their counts has grown so massive it is slowing down the whole admin side of things. This is due to the very poor way the author does SQL update queries in his plugin.


    For each time a page is hit he adds a new insert to the database instead of updating the single entry this has one one web site created a database table size for cn_track_post that is now over 500mb …. very poor SQL coding but I understand what he was trying to do when he wrote the plugin by logging data and time of each visit with later intentions to add graphing etc but unfortunately his plugin is at version 1.0 and will probanly never progress, his support sucks and of course his admin column is not sortable which makes it impossible to track down old posts with no hits and get rid of them. One just one site my cn_track_post table has 8007462 total rows of data and is 443mb in size …. almost 60% of the entire database size for this wordpress site.

    Now I have to ask you the biggest favor of all ….. is there ANY way to export all that data from Post Views Counts and import it into your plugin ???

    I am going to mess with some SQL queries to see if I can achieve this but I believe if you added an import function to import from Post Views stats your plugin would rock even more.


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