Please correct me if I’m wrong:
I was looking at the table perfectly_push_users, and I think there’s only 4 critical columns that needs to be imported from csv file, downloaded from OneSignal:
UUID, endpoint, key_auth and key_p256dh, and corresponding columns from csv in same order are id, identifier, web_auth, web_p256
I was using WP Data Access plugin to import this data, each to corresponding table.
Total users went up, as they should.
However, not a single notification was sent to this set of users. As sending was progressing, there was less and less total users in dashboard.
Without some clear instructions, or some importing option inside the plugin itself, it’s impossible to do this properly.
What about VAPID keys that OneSignal is using, while we have different set of VAPID keys generated by the plugin? Does that matter?
Give us some clear instructions, step by step guide, how to do this, and succeed.