• Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Today marks the release of Easing Slider v3.0.0! It’s been a long time in development, so we thank you for your patience.

    Internally, Easing Slider v3.0.0 has been completely rebuilt. It is now more solid than ever, and structurally allows for some great future enhancements and support for upcoming WordPress versions.

    Of course, with a major release comes teething problems, which we fully expect. Upgrading from v2.2 or greater to v3.0.0 should go smoothly, but if you run into any trouble please don’t hesitate to reply to this topic stating your issue.

    Otherwise, expect to see lots of upcoming addons, future enhancements and more now and in the near future!


Viewing 7 replies - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)
  • trying to revert back to, but when i upload the file, the new 3.0.2 still shows up. any help?

    I have this in my header.php:

    </header><!-- #masthead -->
    <?php if ( is_home() && !wp_is_mobile() && !is_paged() && function_exists( "easingsliderlite" ) ) { ?>
    		<div id="easingslider">
    		<?php easingsliderlite(); ?>
    		</div><!-- #easingslider -->
    <?php } ?>
    		<div id="main" class="site-main">

    I only use the slider on the desktop version of my web site.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hi @motoristi, looks like you’re using an old function. Try using the function shown in the “Sliders” panel for the slider you wish to display. Simply copy and paste it, then replace like so:

    </header><!-- #masthead -->
    <?php if ( is_home() && !wp_is_mobile() && !is_paged() && function_exists( "easingsliderlite" ) ) { ?>
    		<div id="easingslider">
    		<?php easingsliderlite(); ?>
    		</div><!-- #easingslider -->
    <?php } ?>
    		<div id="main" class="site-main">


    </header><!-- #masthead -->
    <?php if ( is_home() && !wp_is_mobile() && !is_paged() && function_exists( "easingsliderlite" ) ) { ?>
    		<div id="easingslider">
    		<?php easingslider( ID_OF_YOUR_SLIDER ); ?>
    		</div><!-- #easingslider -->
    <?php } ?>
    		<div id="main" class="site-main">

    Be sure to replace ID_OF_YOUR_SLIDER with the ID of the slider you wish to display on your homepage ??

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hi @roscoe89, delete the entire easing-slider directory from your wp-content/plugins folder. Then, through the WordPress admin area, install the old version of Easing Slider.

    If you want to test the upgrade again later, I recommend upgrading through the admin area to v3.0.2. Again, if you can provide more information on the trouble your having, or link me to the page in question, I’ll happily take a look for you. Unfortunately I don’t know enough about what’s happening to troubleshoot further and get this resolved for you ??


    I’m screwed with the plugin, I lost my slider version and now when I try to create new new slider I can not add images.

    Please help,

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hi @sandystyle, if your settings have become corrupted I’d recommend resetting the plugin via the slider settings page. Ensure you’re updated to v3.0.2 before doing so.

    Hi @matthewruddy,

    I already did, but without any results. You have the access data to send you this morning via the support form.

    You can access check?

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