• ResolvedPlugin Author Tobias B?thge


    Thanks for visiting the TablePress support forums!

    Try to find an existing answer
    Chances are high that your problem or concern can be solved here. However, before you open a new topic, please check if your question or problem has been discussed before, for example

    This will keep the amount of overall topics down, because I don’t have to spend time on answering questions multiple times, but can focus on delivering quick and quality answers on new questions.

    Before posting a support question
    In order to provide the best possible answer, I need to ask you to follow this checklist:

    1. Are you using the newest version of WordPress? This is always recommended!
    2. Are you using the newest version of TablePress? This is even required! Maybe your problem has already been fixed in the latest version.
    3. If something is not working as it should:
    • If that’s in the Dashboard (admin area) of WordPress or TablePress:
    • Is it still broken after (temporarily) deactivating all other plugins and switching to a WordPress default theme?
    • Do you see error messages on the TablePress screens after setting WP_DEBUG to true in your site’s wp-config.php?
    • If that’s when viewing the table:
    • If you want to change something, for example styling:
    • Have you checked the examples in the plugin FAQ? These can usually be adapted easily.

    If all of this does not help or fix the problem, I invite you to open a new topic in this forum, and I will gladly try to assist in finding a solution!

    Please provide as much information and details as possible:

    • Include a link to the page with the table in question (if applicable)!
    • Include any error messages that you see, as text or as a screenshot that you post e.g. to TinyPic or Imageshack.

    After your problem is fixed:

    • Set WP_DEBUG to false again (if you changed that).
    • Please rate TablePress here in the WordPress Plugin Directory.
    • Consider making a donation to support further TablePress development and support.

    Thank you for following these steps!

    Have fun with TablePress!


    Note: Do not use the text field directly below this text, but use the one at the bottom of this page!

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  • Onno17w


    Hello Tobias, my name is Onno. I am new in WordPress and building my site. Two days ago I have installed TablePress and it looks great. Still I have a question of which I could not find the answer. Is it possible to make a link from a certain cell to an other cell in the table, or even make a link from a cell to a cell in an other table?

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for your question.

    (First: Next time, please create a new thread in the forums, instead of replying to the sticky post ?? )

    Unfortunately, something like this is not possible that easily. This is not a restriction in TablePress, but more a consequence of how links in websites work: They are intended to point to a webpage. Now it is however possible to make them point to a row (but not cell).
    To use that, you’ll have to add some content to the first cell of every row that you want to link to, like this:

    <span id="link-table-123-row-2" />

    That’s HTML code that will make the place where this code has been entered reachable by a link. The value of the “id” attribute is rather arbitrary, but it should be constructed in a logical way. As you can see in the example, including table ID and the row number is a good idea. So, every first cell of every row that you want to link to has to get this (and the “id” parameter has to be adjusted each time).

    After that, you can proceed to creating the actual links. That’s also HTML code, like

    <a href="#link-table-123-row-2">Link to row 2 in table 123</a>

    The <a> tag defines a link, and the #link-table-123-row-2 defines that target. The important thing here is the #, which indicates that the link should point to an element on the page (namely one that you created in the first step). If the “href” parameter starts with a #, the link will point to the current page. To link to a table on another page, you’ll have to put the URL of that page before the #, like

    <a href="https://www.example.com/page-with-other-table/#link-table-123-row-2">Link to row 2 in table 123</a>


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