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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I want to make featured images below the title instead of above it in single posts

    That sounds like a change you need to make in the single posts template file

    Thread Starter 3bdelra7man262


    Okay, Wait for 5-10 minutes and I will post all of the code ??

    Thread Starter 3bdelra7man262


    Here are the codes that are related to my problem:

    1- single.php:
    2- functions.php:
    3- content-single.php:
    4- comments.php:
    5- style.css:
    6- rtl.css:

    What I want:

    1- I want to change the comments layout, I’m using the simplest possible and it’s not looking good at all. ( )

    2- I want to have a space, It is very small shape there!! ( )

    3- I want the featured Image to be next to text not above it and to make it clickable however, Being next text is more important. ( )

    4- I want the featured images in the single posts to be with a size I choose because I do not know where to add the dimensions when using a default image for the posts that do not have an image and also want them to appear below the title not above it.

    5- I want to add an author box. ( Not really important )

    I will use website in Arabic, Take care of coding RTL more that style css ??

    Please help me with any of these things, If you do not know one, Read the following ones.



    With all due respect, the likely level of coding is really beyond the scope of the support we are able to provide in the forums as it would require custom code to be written and tested. Are you not comfortable using PHP, HTML & CSS yourself?

    Thread Starter 3bdelra7man262


    I can’t code something myself from scratch but, You may tell codes to add and will do, It’s not really hard for me, I provided the files to show you the files, I did not want someone to work on them but, This is faster that asking me about something and I search for it and tell you then you tell something to try.

    What I want to say, I can!!



    As I see it, you have two basic options:

    1. You will need to roll up your sleeves and start learning how to do some of this stuff yourself. If you have a specific question (singular), then we will do what we can to point you in the right direction.

    2. If you cannot manage this yourself, then you should consider hiring someone to create this site/theme for you.

    These are self-help forums. We help you to help yourself. We cannot do the work for you.

    Thread Starter 3bdelra7man262


    I thought you could help with one or two of these.

    Okay, For any bad reason that prevented me from making these IMPORTANT adjustments, What are the best rtl-language-support themes that are magazine styled and updated frequently, Any recommendations??



    All we can suggest is that you browse the themes in
    If you use the tag filter, you should be able to narrow your search down to themes that support RTL languages.

    Thread Starter 3bdelra7man262


    Thanks for help, I really should help myself ??



    Exactly! ?? And we would be only to happy to help you along the way but can you just keep it to one question at a time. And be prepared to be pointed to resources of that explain (usually in great detail) how to achieve a given end or use a specific function.

    For starters, have you reviewed Theme Development? That’s essential reading for anyone who is building their own theme – whether it’s from scratch ( which I wouldn’t advise at this stage) or based on an existing theme.

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