• Resolved othersideofcool


    There are a number of threads about photo’s but none have yet resolved it for me.

    I had a wordpress.com blog. Exported the file, set up tso hosting, imported the blog to my new account but my photo’s didn’t show in my imported posts.

    Did some googling, de activated plugins, changed theme- all to no avail.

    Discovered the Cache Images plugin and thought it was the answer, did the scan and it said it was locating over 800 images. Once finished most photo’s on the first page of my blog are back (bar one post) but anything past page 1 is still missing.


    Anyone have any idea how I can get my pictures to display? It’s going to take forever to try and locate them and upload each one and just isn’t viable.

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  • The images on the first page are located properly in your wp-content/uploads/ folder. The others are not. The path to the rest of the photo’s is:
    https://othersideofcool.files.wordpress.com/ (your old wordpress.com blog)
    Do you have acces to your old blog or did you back up the photos from the old blog?

    Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    I’m sorry but as you are using a non-WPORG theme, you need to seek theme-specific support from the theme’s developers – paid or otherwise. We only support themes downloaded from www.ads-software.com here.

    Thread Starter othersideofcool


    Hi Media X- I do have access to the old one, its just set to private right now. When I did the Cache Image scan it actually located over 700 pics from othersideofcool.wordpress.com so I assumed it worked but they’re still not showing.

    When I set up the new blog I just imported the export from othersideofcool.wordpress.com and I foolishly assumed that would include pictures. Is there some way I can move them across do you know?

    Esmi- I mentioned I had already tried changing to a default theme and testing the plugins but neither resolved it so I don’t think the theme or a plugin is the issue.


    ithersideofcool,check the wordpress.com forum for wordpress.com related questions. I can tell you that export tool on wordpress.com exports your posts, pages, comments, categories, and tags; uploads and images may need to be manually transferred to the new blog. Check this

    When you imported the .xml file into the new site, did you ensure that checked the “import all attachments” checkbox? Have you previously used the othersideofcool.com domain name on your wordpress.com blog?

    Thread Starter othersideofcool


    I did have import all attachments checked. Is it possible for me to try importing the file again, will this over write what I have and possibly fix it or will it result in duplicate posts do you think?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter othersideofcool


    Turns out I am as stupid as I look! When I was running the Cache Images plugin the .wordpress.com blog was made private (So there weren’t duplicate blogs floating around) so I guess that prevented it from working. I set it to public and scanned again and my photo’s seem to be back.

    Thanks so much both of you for your help, I was going out of my mind!

    Please,mark the topic as resolved ??

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