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  • I have the same problem. It seems that if I manually edit one of the imported redirects, and put the + signs in myself (instead of the spaces), the redirect works. Checking the database in wp_options.quickppr_redirects or wp_options.quickppr_redirects_meta, I cannot tell any difference after the manual edit. In the database, the links all have the plus signs. I’m using multisite btw.
    Edit: It seems it’s only redirect links with both a ‘+’ sign AND a danish special-character (?,?,?).

    I will check the import functions to see if they match the export functions for encoding and decoding – as there may be a mismatch in the order they are preformed.

    But try using the encoded ‘+’ sign for your import, which is %2B.

    For all those reading who are unfamiliar with character encoding for URLs:

    You have to remember that the plus sign has a dual meaning in the URL – in the query string data, it means space, in the rest of the URL it is considered a literal character. Since the plugin is doing a lot of checks on the URLs being imported, it runs them through a few filters to make sure the URL is valid. If you want to use any of the special characters allowed in a URL it is always a good idea to encode them when you add them. The Manual adding of URLs in the Quick Redirects section should be encoding these automatically (although the display will still show it unencoded in most cases for ease of use).


    Thread Starter AzentyJens


    Hello Don,

    With the encoding: “%2B” it shows up correctly without spaces “+”.
    The same issue sadly persists.


    Before import||0|0

    After import||0|0

    It looks correct, but it doesn’t work. If i click “edit” -> “save” without doing anything else it works.

    Thread Starter AzentyJens


    An “Edit All” and “Save All” button would fix it ??

    I will look into the issue. My guess is that it has to do with the specific sanitize functions used when saving as opposed to importing.

    Warmest regards,

    Hi Don,

    Thanks for releasing this great plugin! I’m experiencing the same issue with ampersands. After I import destination URLs that contain “&”s, they look correct in the plugin admin interface. However, when I follow a request URL, the “&”s in the destination URL show up as “#038;”

    I’m using this for google analytics tracking, so here’s what the tracking portion of the destination URL looks like in the backend:

    And here’s what it resolves to:

    EDIT: The “&” before “utm_campaign” should also be “# 0 3 8 ;” but the comment system is converting it to an “&”

    Like AzentyJens’s experience, if I click the edit button in the admin panel and then click save, the “&”s are then encoded properly.

    i have the same issue, it not work when i do SQL search replace.

    Hey there, I’m facing the same problem.

    1) I export the .txt with the plugin
    2) I change the URLs
    3) I upload the changed .txt

    Plugin in Backend shows correct URL
    Frontend-Redirect doesn’t work cause & is #38;

    If I go to the Plugin again, chose edit and save it in the Backend, it’s working. As I have quite a few links, that’s just a temporary solution.

    Ideas anyone?

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