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  • Roch



    You want that other site to load data from the original one or is it just a one-time import?

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter ale_mol


    It’s the same.
    The important thing is that I don’t have to rebuild all events and calendars!
    What Can I do?

    I too am very interested in this. I need to set everything up on a test server before I move it to a production server.




    So you want one site to load data from the other. The easiest way (if it’s just the calendar) is to use one of the formats provided ( Apple Calendar, Outlook, Google Calendar ) and load that in a page using a plugin.

    Something like this:

    But you could use other plugins depending on your desired outcome.

    Your case is a bit different (it’s the one time import case). Please open a new topic so we can help you there (Posting your own topic is always smiled upon: )

    Kind Regards,


    That doesn’t necessarily answer the question, especially for a plug-in that has data through most of the wp_* tables. Events in SportsPress populate data through wp_postmeta, wp_posts, and wp_terms to name a few that are all cross-referenced.

    Both @ale_mol and @brianstoiber are asking the same question.

    A calendar link won’t transfer the built-in information the plugin uses, which ties to player, team stats and league tables.

    If there was an export option for any of the data in SportsPress it would make this entire process much simpler.

    The only solution that I’ve found is a destructive rebuild of the entire WP database.

    @ale_mol & @brianstoiber

    A partial fix:
    Sidebar –> Tools –> Export –> Select the SportsPress attributes you’d like to export.

    You’ll have to modify the XML and migrate to the CSV format they require, but it reduces having to use the GUI a fair bit.



    @pete Kloehn

    They aren’t asking the same thing ??

    One wants this “moving” process you’ve mentioned (which works for a one-time import), the other wants to load data from another site (which can’t be done this way).

    Thanks for helping though.

    Kind Regards,

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