• dlapin


    I want to switch over to WordPress and import my blog from GoDaddy’s blogging system. Has anyone done this, or have any suggestions? I can use an RSS feed, but I would lose the comments, which I don’t want to do.


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  • You ever get any help on this? I am trying to help a friend do the same thing.

    I can’t seem to get the RSS feed to import as of yet either. Any thoughts?

    I am also thinking of switching over from Quickblog cast to WordPress. How do I export into WordPress?

    Importing using the Typepad setting seems to work — ALMOST! Posts are not visible from the dashboard after importing them. They exist — if you view a comment, you can see the post it’s associated with — but you can’t manage the posts themselves.

    Any hope of help on the horizon?

    I figured out the problem. When I imported from my Quickblog all the posts had the status set to “published” in the wp_posts table of the WordPress database after the import. I just ran a simple sql command to update them to the correct word “publish”. As soon as I did that, everything magically worked.

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_status = 'publish' WHERE post_status = 'published'

    Just a note on this problem:

    When you export your blog entries from godaddy’s service you can do a quick find and replace in your favorite text editor to make importing the entries into WordPress go smoothly.

    Here is a breakdown of the steps to getting all of your content imported smoothly:

    Step 1: Export your content from Godaddy’s Quick Blogcast – make sure to check the boxes for entries, comments, etc. Download this file to a convenient location.

    Step 2: Open the file in a text editor that has a Find and Replace function. Use this to find “STATUS: Published” and replace it with “STATUS: Publish”.

    Step 3: Import into WordPress using the Movable Type / Typepad setting.

    Step 4: Enjoy your new, superior blogging platform.

    Thanks to Anonymous above for figuring out the problem.


    thanks for the tips, i tried it and they all got imported as comments.. i did the search/replace.. any ideas?


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