Impossible de faire un sauvegarde
Il m’est impossible de faire une sauvegarde. La sauvegarde ne va pas au bout du processus
Voici les logs :
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Recherche du fichier exécutable PHP CLI.
[WARN] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Impossible de trouver l’exécutable PHP CLI approprié, ce processus peut être instable.
[WARN] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Le fichier PHP CLI ne peut pas être exécuté pour une raison inconnue.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Initialisation de la sauvegarde…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Version de sauvegarde et migration :1.2.8
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Site qui sera sauvegardé :
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Version PHP : 8.1.16
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Version WP :6.2
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Version MySQL :10.6.12
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Longueur maximale de MySQL :16777216
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Serveur : Apache
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Temps d’exécution maximum (en secondes) : 30
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Memory limit (server): 512M
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Memory limit (wp-config): 40M
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Memory limit (wp-config admin): 512M
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Nombre maximum de lignes par requête (ce site) : 2000
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Vérifier si le répertoire de sauvegarde est inscriptible…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Initialisation du gestionnaire d’erreurs personnalisé
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Ouais c’est inscriptible…
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:42] Analyse des fichiers…
[WARN] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Ce fichier est lourd, penser à l’exclure si la sauvegarde échoue :ABSPATH/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Microsoft-Envision-Recap.mp4 (296.74 MB)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Vérification de l’espace libre, réservation…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Nécessite au moins 1569532087 octets. [1.46 GB]
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] La fonction d‘espace libre sur le disque n‘est pas désactivée - l‘utiliser…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Vérification de chemin/partition : ABSPATH/wp-content/backup_path/backups
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Il y a 56,008.91 Mo gratuit. [54.7 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Super ! Il y a suffisamment d’espace.
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Confirmé, il y a suffisamment d’espace, vérifié :1569532087 octets
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Analyse terminée - Trouvé20827 fichiers…
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Sauvegarde initialisée…
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Initialisation du système d’archivage…
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Système d’archivage initialisé…
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Préparation de la carte des fichiers…
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Fichiers préparés.
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Démarrage da la procédure de compression…
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Calcul de la mémoire intelligente…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Il y a 512 Mo de mémoire utile
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Limite de mémoire WordPress : 512 Mo
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Définir la limite de sécurité à 115 Mo
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Utilisation du module PclZip pour créer la sauvegarde
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Réglage hérité : utilisation de modules par défaut en fonction du serveur utilisateur/utilisatrice
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Making database backup (using v3 engine, requires at least v1.2.2 to restore)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Itération de la base de données…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Memory usage after initialization: 46.16 MB
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Scan found 221 tables (58296 rows), estimated total size: 127.85 MB.
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Memory usage after getting table names: 46.26 MB
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting table recipes…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table recipes have been exported.
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Memory usage after loading recipes: 46.41 MB
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Saving recipes…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Recipes saved.
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 46.30 MB
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Exporting table data…
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_actions (1/221, 0.17 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_actionscheduler_actions finished (0.00360s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_claims (2/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_actionscheduler_claims is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_groups (3/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_actionscheduler_groups finished (0.00029s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_logs (4/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_actionscheduler_logs finished (0.00389s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_cmplz_cookiebanners (5/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_cmplz_cookiebanners finished (0.00048s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_cmplz_cookies (6/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_cmplz_cookies finished (0.00384s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_cmplz_services (7/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_cmplz_services finished (0.00073s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (8/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_commentmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_comments (9/221, 0.11 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_comments finished (0.00038s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_e_events (10/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_e_events finished (0.00040s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_evf_entries (11/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_evf_entries is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_evf_entrymeta (12/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_evf_entrymeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_evf_sessions (13/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_evf_sessions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_ff_scheduled_actions (14/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_ff_scheduled_actions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fluentform_entry_details (15/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fluentform_entry_details is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fluentform_form_analytics (16/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fluentform_form_analytics is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fluentform_form_meta (17/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_fluentform_form_meta finished (0.00045s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fluentform_forms (18/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_fluentform_forms finished (0.00044s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fluentform_logs (19/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fluentform_logs is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fluentform_submission_meta (20/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fluentform_submission_meta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fluentform_submissions (21/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fluentform_submissions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_frmt_form_entry (22/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_frmt_form_entry finished (0.00024s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_frmt_form_entry_meta (23/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_frmt_form_entry_meta finished (0.00048s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_frmt_form_reports (24/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_frmt_form_reports finished (0.00023s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_frmt_form_views (25/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_frmt_form_views finished (0.00046s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fusion_form_entries (26/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fusion_form_entries is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fusion_form_fields (27/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fusion_form_fields is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fusion_form_submissions (28/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fusion_form_submissions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_fusion_forms (29/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_fusion_forms is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_links (30/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_links is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_mondula_form_wizards (31/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_mondula_form_wizards is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_mystickymenu_contact_lists (32/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table wp_mystickymenu_contact_lists is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_nm_personalized (33/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_nm_personalized finished (0.00027s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_options (34/221, 9.61 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_options finished (0.14565s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (35/221, 9.14 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Table export for: wp_postmeta finished (0.13630s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:48] Getting data of table: wp_posts (36/221, 43.77 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_posts finished (0.95146s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_404 (37/221, 0.59 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_redirection_404 finished (0.02910s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_groups (38/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_redirection_groups finished (0.00032s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_items (39/221, 0.11 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_redirection_items finished (0.00125s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_redirection_logs (40/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_redirection_logs is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (41/221, 0.11 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_term_relationships finished (0.00425s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (42/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_term_taxonomy finished (0.00228s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (43/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_termmeta finished (0.00076s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_terms (44/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_terms finished (0.00203s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_tm_taskmeta (45/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_tm_taskmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_tm_tasks (46/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_tm_tasks is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_trp_gettext_fr_fr (47/221, 0.17 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_trp_gettext_fr_fr finished (0.00789s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_trp_gettext_original_meta (48/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_trp_gettext_original_meta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_trp_gettext_original_strings (49/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_trp_gettext_original_strings finished (0.00557s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (50/221, 0.17 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_usermeta finished (0.00347s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_users (51/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_users finished (0.00037s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_note_actions (52/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_admin_note_actions finished (0.00159s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_admin_notes (53/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_admin_notes finished (0.00274s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_category_lookup (54/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_category_lookup finished (0.00031s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_customer_lookup (55/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_customer_lookup finished (0.00032s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_download_log (56/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wc_download_log is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup (57/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wc_order_coupon_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_product_lookup (58/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_order_product_lookup finished (0.00026s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_stats (59/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_order_stats finished (0.00028s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_order_tax_lookup (60/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wc_order_tax_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup (61/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_download_directories (62/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_product_download_directories finished (0.00024s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup (63/221, 0.11 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_product_meta_lookup finished (0.00165s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_rate_limits (64/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wc_rate_limits is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_reserved_stock (65/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wc_reserved_stock is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes (66/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wc_tax_rate_classes finished (0.00025s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wc_webhooks (67/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wc_webhooks is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wdp_order_items (68/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wdp_order_items finished (0.00024s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wdp_orders (69/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wdp_orders finished (0.00024s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wdp_persistent_rules_cache (70/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wdp_persistent_rules_cache is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wdp_rules (71/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wdp_rules finished (0.00039s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wfblockediplog (72/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wfblockediplog finished (0.00027s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wfblocks7 (73/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wfblocks7 is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wfconfig (74/221, 1.31 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wfconfig finished (0.01152s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wfcrawlers (75/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table export for: wp_wfcrawlers finished (0.00056s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wffilechanges (76/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Table wp_wffilechanges is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:49] Getting data of table: wp_wffilemods (77/221, 5.52 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wffilemods finished (0.36182s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfhits (78/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wfhits finished (0.00054s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfhoover (79/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wfhoover is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfissues (80/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wfissues finished (0.00029s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfknownfilelist (81/221, 4.52 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wfknownfilelist finished (0.29500s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wflivetraffichuman (82/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wflivetraffichuman is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wflocs (83/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wflocs is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wflogins (84/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wflogins finished (0.00034s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets (85/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wfls_2fa_secrets is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_role_counts (86/221, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wfls_role_counts is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_settings (87/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wfls_settings finished (0.00371s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfnotifications (88/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wfnotifications finished (0.00041s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfpendingissues (89/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wfpendingissues is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfreversecache (90/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wfreversecache is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfsnipcache (91/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wfsnipcache is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wfstatus (92/221, 0.09 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wfstatus finished (0.00502s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wftrafficrates (93/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wftrafficrates is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_api_keys (94/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_api_keys is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (95/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions (96/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_log (97/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_log is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta (98/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta finished (0.00059s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_order_items (99/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_woocommerce_order_items finished (0.00030s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta (100/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens (101/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_sessions (102/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_woocommerce_sessions finished (0.00034s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations (103/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations finished (0.00025s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods (104/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods finished (0.00023s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones (105/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones finished (0.00021s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations (106/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_woocommerce_tax_rates (107/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_woocommerce_tax_rates is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wpforms_tasks_meta (108/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wpforms_tasks_meta finished (0.00046s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wpie_template (109/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wpie_template finished (0.00050s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wpstg_queue (110/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wpstg_queue is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wt_iew_action_history (111/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_wt_iew_action_history finished (0.00030s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_wt_iew_mapping_template (112/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wp_wt_iew_mapping_template is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable (113/221, 0.27 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_yoast_indexable finished (0.02796s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (114/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy finished (0.00201s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_migrations (115/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_yoast_migrations finished (0.00034s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_primary_term (116/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_yoast_primary_term finished (0.00469s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_seo_links (117/221, 0.13 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wp_yoast_seo_links finished (0.00783s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_actionscheduler_actions (118/221, 0.13 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_actionscheduler_actions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_actionscheduler_claims (119/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_actionscheduler_claims is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_actionscheduler_groups (120/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_actionscheduler_groups finished (0.00925s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_actionscheduler_logs (121/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_actionscheduler_logs is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_cmplz_cookiebanners (122/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_cmplz_cookiebanners finished (0.00051s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_cmplz_cookies (123/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_cmplz_cookies finished (0.00265s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_cmplz_services (124/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_cmplz_services finished (0.00072s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_commentmeta (125/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_commentmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_comments (126/221, 0.11 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_comments is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_e_events (127/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_e_events finished (0.00039s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_evf_entries (128/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_evf_entries is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_evf_entrymeta (129/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_evf_entrymeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_evf_sessions (130/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_evf_sessions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_ff_scheduled_actions (131/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_ff_scheduled_actions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fluentform_entry_details (132/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fluentform_entry_details is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fluentform_form_analytics (133/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fluentform_form_analytics is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fluentform_form_meta (134/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_fluentform_form_meta finished (0.00046s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fluentform_forms (135/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_fluentform_forms finished (0.00661s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fluentform_logs (136/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fluentform_logs is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fluentform_submission_meta (137/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fluentform_submission_meta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fluentform_submissions (138/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fluentform_submissions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fusion_form_entries (139/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fusion_form_entries is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fusion_form_fields (140/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fusion_form_fields is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fusion_form_submissions (141/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fusion_form_submissions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_fusion_forms (142/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_fusion_forms is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_links (143/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_links is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_mondula_form_wizards (144/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_mondula_form_wizards is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_mystickymenu_contact_lists (145/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table wpstg0_mystickymenu_contact_lists is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_nm_personalized (146/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_nm_personalized finished (0.00028s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_options (147/221, 8.59 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_options finished (0.11735s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_postmeta (148/221, 5.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Table export for: wpstg0_postmeta finished (0.13055s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:50] Getting data of table: wpstg0_posts (149/221, 29.83 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_posts finished (0.52491s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_term_relationships (150/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_term_relationships finished (0.00277s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_term_taxonomy (151/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_term_taxonomy finished (0.00108s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_termmeta (152/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_termmeta finished (0.00036s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_terms (153/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_terms finished (0.00097s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_usermeta (154/221, 0.16 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_usermeta finished (0.00335s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_users (155/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_users finished (0.00035s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_admin_note_actions (156/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wc_admin_note_actions finished (0.00172s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_admin_notes (157/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wc_admin_notes finished (0.00258s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_category_lookup (158/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wc_category_lookup finished (0.00025s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_customer_lookup (159/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_customer_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_download_log (160/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_download_log is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_order_coupon_lookup (161/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_order_coupon_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_order_product_lookup (162/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_order_product_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_order_stats (163/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_order_stats is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_order_tax_lookup (164/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_order_tax_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_product_attributes_lookup (165/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_product_attributes_lookup is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_product_download_directories (166/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wc_product_download_directories finished (0.00024s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_product_meta_lookup (167/221, 0.11 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wc_product_meta_lookup finished (0.00136s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_rate_limits (168/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_rate_limits is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_reserved_stock (169/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_reserved_stock is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_tax_rate_classes (170/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wc_tax_rate_classes finished (0.00022s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wc_webhooks (171/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wc_webhooks is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wdp_order_items (172/221, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wdp_order_items finished (0.00023s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wdp_orders (173/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wdp_orders finished (0.00023s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wdp_persistent_rules_cache (174/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wdp_persistent_rules_cache is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wdp_rules (175/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wdp_rules finished (0.00038s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfblockediplog (176/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfblockediplog is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfblocks7 (177/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfblocks7 is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfconfig (178/221, 0.47 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wfconfig finished (0.01139s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfcrawlers (179/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfcrawlers is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wffilechanges (180/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wffilechanges is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wffilemods (181/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wffilemods is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfhits (182/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfhits is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfhoover (183/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfhoover is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfissues (184/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfissues is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfknownfilelist (185/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfknownfilelist is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wflivetraffichuman (186/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wflivetraffichuman is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wflocs (187/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wflocs is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wflogins (188/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wflogins is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfls_2fa_secrets (189/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfls_2fa_secrets is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfls_role_counts (190/221, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfls_role_counts is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfls_settings (191/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wfls_settings finished (0.00054s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfnotifications (192/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfnotifications is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfpendingissues (193/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfpendingissues is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfreversecache (194/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfreversecache is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfsnipcache (195/221, 0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfsnipcache is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wfstatus (196/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wfstatus is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wftrafficrates (197/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wftrafficrates is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_api_keys (198/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_api_keys is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies (199/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions (200/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_log (201/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_log is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_order_itemmeta (202/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_order_itemmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_order_items (203/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_order_items is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta (204/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_payment_tokens (205/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_payment_tokens is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_sessions (206/221, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_sessions is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations (207/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations finished (0.00022s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods (208/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods finished (0.00022s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zones (209/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_woocommerce_shipping_zones finished (0.00020s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations (210/221, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_woocommerce_tax_rates (211/221, 0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_woocommerce_tax_rates is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wpforms_tasks_meta (212/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wpforms_tasks_meta finished (0.00030s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wpie_template (213/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wpie_template finished (0.00044s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wpstg_queue (214/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wpstg_queue is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wt_iew_action_history (215/221, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_wt_iew_action_history finished (0.00028s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_wt_iew_mapping_template (216/221, 0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_wt_iew_mapping_template is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_yoast_indexable (217/221, 0.11 MB)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table wpstg0_yoast_indexable is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (218/221, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_yoast_indexable_hierarchy finished (0.00035s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_yoast_migrations (219/221, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_yoast_migrations finished (0.00027s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_yoast_primary_term (220/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_yoast_primary_term finished (0.00144s)
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Getting data of table: wpstg0_yoast_seo_links (221/221, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table export for: wpstg0_yoast_seo_links finished (0.00152s)
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Table data exported.
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Memory usage after data export: 46.28 MB
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Entire process took: 3.0682 s
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Sauvegarde de base de données terminée
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Faire une archive
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Compression…
[WARN] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] La sauvegarde s’exécutera en tant que demande unique, peut être instable…
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:51] Adding database SQL file(s) to the backup file.
[SUCCESS] [2023-04-06 15:03:53] Database added to the backup successfully.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:03:53] Performing site files backup…
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:03:53] Les portions contiennent 4000 fichiers.
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:04:21] étape :4000/20827
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:04:47] étape :8000/20827
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:05:11] étape :12000/20827
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:05:44] étape :16000/20827
[INFO] [2023-04-06 15:06:26] étape :20000/20827
[ERROR] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] Message d’erreur : Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
[ERROR] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] Vous pouvez obtenir plus d’informations dans le fichier journal de dépannage.
[ERROR] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] Une erreur est survenue du c?té de PHP.
[ERROR] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] Malheureusement nous avons d? supprimer la sauvegarde (si partiellement créée).
[ERROR] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] Message d’erreur : Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
[ERROR] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] Fichier/ligne d’erreur : ABSPATH/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php|2834
[ERROR] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] L’augmentation du le temps d’exécution ne semble pas fonctionner, il faut modifier le fichier php.ini manuellement.
[STEP] [2023-04-06 15:06:51] Abandon de la sauvegarde… [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Fichier téléchargé à (heure du serveur) :2023-04-06 15:09:00
[TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (secondes) :154 il y a quelques secondes
[TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (date) :2023-04-06 15:06:26Bonjour ,
Il y a eu une erreur “[ERROR] [2023-04-06 13:04:44] Message d’erreur : Maximum execution time of 30 seconds extended” – veuillez donc augmenter le temps d’exécution maximum sur votre serveur.
Veuillez également définir les éléments suivants :
Aller à la section “Autres options”
Désactiver la vérification PHP CLI :
Enregistrer la section “Autres options”
Une fois cela fait, essayez-le en exécutant une nouvelle sauvegarde.Dites-moi si cela résout votre problème ??</img>
Merci!Comme nous n’avons entendu aucun commentaire récemment, je peux supposer que vous avez résolu le problème.
N’hésitez pas à ouvrir un nouveau sujet si je me trompe ! Merci ??oui je l’ai résolu en changeant de systeme. Merci
- The topic ‘Impossible de faire un sauvegarde’ is closed to new replies.