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  • Thread Starter blasteur83


    This code is :

    $logout = add_query_arg( ‘action’, ‘logout’ );

    echo ”


    Thread Starter blasteur83


    It’s no resolved the error is still there

    Plugin Author Alberto Hornero


    Hi blasteur83,

    Please, send me your page URL. And also a demo credentials to test it (of any user, I don’t mind).

    The code you paste is illegible, please paste it properly with the code tag. Or if you prefer send me an email to contacto(at)



    Thread Starter blasteur83


    Ok it’s a code for they links member :

    // Output stars
    		if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    			echo "<div class='login-m'>";
    			global $current_user;
    			echo get_avatar( $current_user->ID, 75 );
    			echo "</div>";
    			if ( $edit_url != '' )
    				echo "<div class='lien_login'>";
    				$logout = add_query_arg( 'action', 'logout' );
    				echo "<a href='$edit_url'>". __( 'Mon compte', 'cleanlogin') ."</a>";
    				echo"<br />";
    				echo "<a href='/author/$current_user->user_login'>". __( 'Profil', 'cleanlogin') ."</a>";
    				echo"<br />";
    				echo "<a href='/avatar'>". __( 'Avatar', 'cleanlogin') ."</a>";
    				echo"<br />";
    				echo "<a href='/connexion/$logout'>". __( 'Déconnexion', 'cleanlogin') ."</a>";
    				echo"<br />";
    		} else {

    My site web is :

    Plugin Author Alberto Hornero


    Could you send me the full code in the properly file by email? contacto(at)



    Plugin Author Alberto Hornero


    Do you know how to create a .po/mo files for a new language (french in your case)? The plugin is ready for easy translation, if you don’t know how to use do it I can send you the strings for your translation and I can update these files for all users.

    I appreciate your vote here: this is the only thing I request for our support.



    Thread Starter blasteur83


    I cant send a message with your email…

    Plugin Author Alberto Hornero


    Hi blasteur83,

    Please, give me your email and I’ll send you the way to translate the strings. Later I can update the plugin with the french language included.


    PS: I mark this topic as resolved because this is not a problem as such, just a new requirement/improvement that I have considered accepted and I’ll go to update ASAP.

    And please, don’t forget to rate our quick support. Many threads resolved quickly but no rating by our users

    Thread Starter blasteur83


    It’s my mail [email protected] and i go to rate your quick support tanks ! :?

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