If you get stuck, as I did, the only solution I found was BACKDOOR hacking of the SQL Database table which holds the scripts saved/used by the plugin.
If you are confident modifying SQL database you can get into saved scripts and edit/stop them from running. You could also edit/tweak a script, although harder to do with backdoor methods. Unless you have a nice SQL DB management tool/editor.
Look for SQL Table called wp_wce_editor_content or *yourprefix*_wce_editor_content if you have changed the default database table names.
Look through the records to find the script you don’t want running.
To deactivate the rogue or unwanted script, locate the script amongst the records and change STATUS field from 1 to 0.
The database table has the following columns:
- id – record id
- data_title – name or label you gave script
- data_type – script type js/css/php
- data_source – the code you typed *your code*
- data_cond – runs as header/footer/shortcode
- tag_name – guessing it is for short code type?
- accept_args
- status – active/deactivate * 0 = deactivate, 1 = running*
I went to my hosting provider control panel. I found amongst the stuff an SQL ADMIN tool this let me peek inside the DB and locate the table added by this plugin… I also looked through his PHP file code and confirmed I had the correct table name ??
Don’t touch the database unless you are confident and experienced. AND have made a backup of the DB for extra safety.
I strongly recommend getting help as manually changing databases is dangerous. You could lodge ticket with host for help or call your friendly IT guy/gal.
I have emailed developer too, waiting for a response.