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  • Same to me, after update, can’t manage css,js or php. Anyone can help?

    Same issue here, can not see any of the resources after they are created

    Same problem, the code is there and working it is just not displayed when you try and edit it!

    Any one got a fix for this, i use this plugin quite a bit

    Do we have to wait for the hopefully soon update or change/delete this great plugin?

    If you get stuck, as I did, the only solution I found was BACKDOOR hacking of the SQL Database table which holds the scripts saved/used by the plugin.

    If you are confident modifying SQL database you can get into saved scripts and edit/stop them from running. You could also edit/tweak a script, although harder to do with backdoor methods. Unless you have a nice SQL DB management tool/editor.


    Look for SQL Table called wp_wce_editor_content or *yourprefix*_wce_editor_content if you have changed the default database table names.

    Look through the records to find the script you don’t want running.

    To deactivate the rogue or unwanted script, locate the script amongst the records and change STATUS field from 1 to 0.

    The database table has the following columns:

    • id – record id
    • data_title – name or label you gave script
    • data_type – script type js/css/php
    • data_source – the code you typed *your code*
    • data_cond – runs as header/footer/shortcode
    • tag_name – guessing it is for short code type?
    • accept_args
    • status – active/deactivate * 0 = deactivate, 1 = running*

    I went to my hosting provider control panel. I found amongst the stuff an SQL ADMIN tool this let me peek inside the DB and locate the table added by this plugin… I also looked through his PHP file code and confirmed I had the correct table name ??

    Don’t touch the database unless you are confident and experienced. AND have made a backup of the DB for extra safety.

    I strongly recommend getting help as manually changing databases is dangerous. You could lodge ticket with host for help or call your friendly IT guy/gal.

    I have emailed developer too, waiting for a response.

    Thanks man!

    I must try this.

    At the moment I found replacement in:
    Fresh Custom Code

    Hopefully not for long time.

    Let me know how you go.

    It’s like being locked out of your own house, very disconcerting.

    Hopefully you can at least break in and stop things from running. Wasn’t sure what you wanted to do exactly but for me it was stop not edit a script.

    Thanks for suggested alternative too.


    Custom Code looks like a great alternative and on special too, I am going to give it a spin.

    Found a useful tip, use the IMPORT/EXPORT menu option to export and save a list of your CSS/JS/PHP scripts.

    It will give you *I think* in record ID order, all scripts saved via the plugin and you can see the code, script type and status (1=active=running).

    It will also give you script label so you at least have something you can use to locate the record in the database table correctly.

    The plugin is broken for all scripts not just JS. The plugin isn’t retrieving a list of records at all, hence no access to anything once saved.

    Weird it can get database records for EXPORT function eh?

    Had a look at some other javascript plugins but couldn’t make any of them work! so i bit the bullet and learnt how to load the javascript file with code in the functions file. took me about half an hour and used this tutorial:

    Click HERE

    I only needed to load one file and it’s not very big and it’s used on most pages of my site so this was an easy way to load it.

    Hope this helps someone.

    Thread Starter pixdesignerFI


    I solved all my problems using this plugin:

    Insert Header and Footer

    Whith this one you can insert all kinds of codes (PHP, JavaScript, HTML).

    You can choose to insert it on header on in the footer.

    @ pixdesignerFI, @robinhind, @deputat, @djk276, @djoxdev

    The developer FlipperCode has been in touch via email.

    He has released an update for your fav CSS-JS-PHP plugin.

    GIve it another go and post a yay or nay…


    I got the chance to try this plugin again today on a different site and it works as it should now for me.


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