• Resolved jiggaman


    Right now the user has to scroll from 12:00am to their starting point of their opening hour. Since MOST people don’t start doing business at 12:00am, may I suggest including the following improvement by replacing the following function with my code:


    //returns the business hours drop down
            public function get_business_hours_drop_down_for_staff($day, $cbox_id, $select_start_to_class, $staff_id)
                    global  $bookingultrapro;
                    $hours = 24; //amount of hours working in day
                    $min_minutes = $bookingultrapro->get_option('bup_time_slot_length');
                    if($min_minutes ==''){$min_minutes=15;}
                    $hours = (60/$min_minutes) *$hours;
                    $html .= '<select id="'.$cbox_id.'" name="'.$cbox_id.'" class="'.$select_start_to_class.'">';
                    //get default value for this week's day
                            $from_to_value = 'from';
                            $from_to_value = 'to';
                    //if($from_to_value == 'from')
            // ben          $html .= '<option '.$selected.' value="">'.__('OFF','bookingup').'</option>';
                    //check selected value
                    $selected_value = $this->get_business_hour_option($day, $from_to_value, $staff_id);
                    for($i = 0; $i <= $hours ; $i++)
                            $minutes_to_add = $min_minutes * $i; // add 30 - 60 - 90 etc.
                            $timeslot = date('H:i:s', strtotime(0)+$minutes_to_add);
                            $selected = '';
                            if($selected_value==date('H:i', strtotime($timeslot)))
                                    $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                            }elseif($selected_value=='24:00' && date('H:i', strtotime($timeslot)) =='00:00'){
                                    $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                            if($from_to_value == 'to' && $i == 48)
                                    $sel_value ='24:00';
                                    $sel_value =date('H:i', strtotime($timeslot));
                            //echo "hours:" . $hours;
                            $html .= '<option value="'.$sel_value.'" '.$selected.'  >'.date('h:i A', strtotime($timeslot)).'</option>';
                    if(!$selected) $selected_OFF = 'selected="selected"'; // ben
                    $html = str_replace('<option value="08:00"   >', '<option value="" '.$selected_OFF.'>'.__("OFF",'bookingup').'</option><option value="08:00">', $html); // ben  
                    $html .='</select>';
                    return $html;


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  • @jiggaman,

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    That’s what we did when we released the plugin some months ago ?? You couldn’t believe how many people asked us to leave it the way it’s because lots of people work over the night and so many different hourly range that we could’t believe.

    I’m not saying we’re going to ignore your suggestion. We will try to implement a quick solution that feet all people’s needs.

    Once again, thanks for helping us to improve the plugin with your help.


    Thread Starter jiggaman


    Got it. Well we should probably shoot for normal business hours as the default…not the night shift.

    Just saying.

    Thread Starter jiggaman


    I don’t think this is resolved, i think a simple poll of what is a normal business hours start time: 12am or 8am would be an easy way to stomp out the people complaining to have the default be 12:00 am…don’t you think?

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