• Firstly, this is a great plugin. Thanks so much!

    Looks like BuddyPress Groups Documents is not around any more.

    Can I suggest two things to improve how BuddyPress works:
    1) Enable groups as default. Right now, there is no tick box as a new group is created. You have to dig around in Admin to enable it afterwards. This takes time, and not everyone will know they need to do it.
    2) Upload files into group folders from the group, not just the user profile. Right now, you can only view files from the groups section, not add more. Saves going to your own profile section to add files to that folder.

    These two additions would make things a lot smoother.



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  • Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    Thank you.

    I think BuddyPress Group Documents still exists but maybe not in www.ads-software.com repo.

    1) I respect your point of view. I have a different one. I want to avoid my plugin to add a new step to group creation, so that group creation is simple and quick. But i may do something to ease the process for Super Admin, i’ll see what can be done with bulk actions in the new backend Group Admin UI

    2) I understand. Actually i’m a bit “narrow minded” about that, files / folders belongs to users, so i want uploads to only be available in their profile. I may change my mind, but for now it’s my conviction.

    Forgive me for jumping on this thread, since it’s a couple of months old, but seems very relevant…

    seems to me – having experimented with BuddyDrive in combinations with BuddyPress Docs – that an ideal option would be to have, as Super Admin, the ability to default enable BuddyDrive on group creation, and also to have the option to have group folder/files enabled. I agree that reducing the number of steps on creating groups is desirable, however from the dev work I’m doing with a site at the moment I can certainly see that having both options available would be hugely useful.

    Hopefully this might be possible. And, thank you for a fantastic plugin.


    Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    Hi, in next version : there will be an option to auto enable BuddyDrive on group creation.

    Magic, thanks! Being able to have BuddyDrive auto-enabled for groups as a Super Admin option would be the icing on the cake!

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