Printing from Chrome does open a new tab and a preview windows.
printing doe not open a new tab in the RC. This is by design, as it uses a more streamlined method of printing.
Also, there is little/no formatting of the print when printed from either FireFox or Chrome, only raw output. Thanks.
Clear any cache. The exact same formatting of the display page will be use on the print, unless @media print CSS has been included in the theme.
same thing happened when I installed the release candidate, no preview in chrome.
This is not the same thing. If by print-preview, you are referring to opening a new tab, then yes… this is by design. If by print-preview, you are referring to the preview in the chrome print dialogue box, we have not been able to recreate this problem.
As the main issue in this thread is resolved. we recommend opening your own thread for further assistance.