• INSERT INTO wp_posts VALUES(4, 1, ‘2007-01-17 08:55:40’, ‘2007-01-17 13:55:40’, ‘<object width=”432″ height=”351″><param name=”movie” value=”https://www.megavideo.com/v/I4HWTSV936ab2b86c0efb3afbed3a9ce8d41555b.2852663775.0″></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”https://www.megavideo.com/v/I4HWTSV936ab2b86c0efb3afbed3a9ce8d41555b.2852663775.0&#8243; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”540″ height=”438″></embed></object>\r\n01 “The Star of a Contract Fell?¢a???| (Part 1)”\r\n”Keiyaku no Hoshi wa Nagareta?¢a???| (Zenpen)” (?¥?¥a€??§?′a€??£?????|?????£???ˉ?|?μ???£a€??’?£?????¢a???|?ˉ?????¥a€°???§?·?¨?ˉ??a€°) April 5, 2007\r\n\r\n
    \r\n<img src=”https://animexp.com/images/watchanimexp.png&#8221; />\r\n
    \r\n<h4>Can”t get enough? Want to watch more?</h4>\r\nYou can also watch other episodes for this anime. Simply select and click on any episode that you like to watch.\r\n
    \r\n<?php echo ddpl_list(22); ?>’, ‘Darker Than Black Episode 1’, 0, ”, ‘publish’, ‘open’, ‘closed’, ”, ‘darker-than-black-1’, ”, ”, ‘2008-04-20 22:58:27’, ‘2008-04-20 14:58:27’, ”, 0, ‘https://animexp.com/home/?p=4&#8217;, 0, ‘post’, ”, 0);
    Here’s the code But I Want to know How could I add value to a custom field for this post.Note: custom field is Video and the embed will go the value of the custom field Video.Please help!

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