That is helpful. There appear to be several issues:
1. You don’t seem to have authorized the plugin to connect to your Salesforce. That is what the “Salesforce needs to be authorized” message indicates. More specifically, the plugin does a check to see if you’ve done an authorization within Salesforce, and if not, it shows that message. I’m not sure how you got to this screen without authorizing. I’m going to see if I can determine how that happened; it shouldn’t be possible.
2. If the plugin was authorized in Salesforce (I think you wouldn’t see that message), there are a few cases where you wouldn’t see Salesforce objects in the dropdown. This happens if the app in Salesforce is not given the correct permissions. Usually you need “Perform requests on your behalf at any time” for OAuth Scope as well as “Access and manage your data (api)” as permissions on the Salesforce app.
It’s possible that if you’ve already tried to authorize the plugin in Salesforce, it doesn’t have the correct permission level and it’s confusing itself. I haven’t seen that happen this way, but it is possible.