Greetings Devon, and thanks for your quick response.
Yeah I had also been using the old Post Notification plug-in for years, then just last week discovered a WP upgrade had broken it. No idea how long my subscribers were going w/o post notices, but at least nobody complained. Then I discovered your plug-in and it looked like the perfect replacement, thanks! Very easy UI and does everything I need it to.
Yes, my post notifications go out every Monday, so we’ll just have to wait till then to see what happens. I thought I read somewhere in your documentation that the test emails wouldn’t resolve some of those variables, but couldn’t find it when when I went looking. So that’s why I posted my question.
I sent you a screencap of my settings via personal email, as requested. Pretty sure they should work, and that the issue was just with Test Send.
If you’re curious why I put that subscribe widget on a separate page, the “dark” theme of my site was just visually overwhelmed by the white text box. So I’m using the Display Widget plug-in to control which widgets appear on specific pages. Pretty handy plug-in. I tried to change the background color via CSS but none of the selectors I found with the Firefox inspector tool seemed to work. So this was an acceptable workaround. Would be great if you added that ability in the plug-in settings, as well as font choices for the subscribe widget. Would also be great to have a short-code to insert that box on a page. Otherwise no complaints.
So we’ll see what happens on Monday with those post notifications, and if all goes as expected I’ll “buy you a cup of coffee” via PayPal. Thanks again.
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by