• Resolved jozefk


    This is the code I use for contact form:

    <p>All questions with asterisk (*) are required.</p> 
    <h3>Your full name: *</h3>
    <p>    [text* name]</p>
    <h3>Your age group: *</h3>
    <p>[radio age-group "0-6 years old" "7-12 years old" "13-19 years old" "20 or more years old"]</p>
    <h3>Your gender: *</h3>
    <p>[radio gender "Male" "Female"]</p>
    <h3>In which Church do you attend the worship on Sabbath: *</h3>
    <p>[text* church]</p>
    <h3>Your e-mail address: *</h3>
    <p>[email* e-mail]</p>
    <h3>Your mobile phone number: *</h3>
    <p>In this format please (example only): 00971557777777<br />
    [tel* phone /15]</p>
    <h3>Which day are you going to arrive to UAE/RAK:</h3>
    <p>[date arrival-date min:2014-10-01 max:2014-12-31]<br />
    and what time (00-24): [number arrival-time min:00 max:24]</p>
    <h3>Which day are you going to leave UAE/RAK:</h3>
    <p>[date leaving-date min:2014-10-01 max:2014-12-31]<br />
    and what time (00-24): [number leaving-time min:00 max:24]</p>
    <h3>Where do you plan to stay during the camp meeting:</h3>
    <p>[radio accommodation "Hotel (You will be responsible to book and pay your hotel room.)" "GF Building (Space will be available on first come, first served basis.)"]</p>
    <h3>Your T-Shirt size: *</h3>
    <p>[select* t-shirt "Kids - S" "Kids - M" "Kids - L" "Adults - S" "Adults - M" "Adults  - L" "Adults - XL"]</p>
    <h3>Remarks (if any)</h3>
    <p>    [textarea remarks /1500]</p>
    <p>Type in the characters from this image, in the field below, please: [captchar captcha-784]  [captchac captcha-784 size:m]</p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    This is the link for the form:

    And this is what Flamingo shows in Inbound Messages:

    What am I doing wrong?

    To mention also that for Mail options of the form, in To From and Subject fields I used real email addresses and a text for subject not a tags. I am getting the messages by email and I see the message is listed in Flamingo but something is wrong with those fields I mentioned above and you can see in screenshot.

    Thanks for help!


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